These two very different competitions in different locations with challenging surf, wave and open sea conditions provide the perfect setting for this very demanding event. Visitors can admire picturesque ocean views while enjoying one of the favourite local dishes grilled lapas with garlic butter and lemon. A wave of joy that spreads throughout the archipelago. Carnival is the frst big event in Madeiras event calendar.In all counties of the archipelago there are small parades and themed parties where everyone wears a carnival costume.This event starts on Wednesday, before the Entrudo (Shrove or Fat Tuesday as it is known) and the fun goes on until the Enterro do Osso that takes place on the Saturday after Carnival day.The biggest event of Carnival Season in Madeira happens on Saturday evening (Carnival Weekend) with the main parade in the streets of Funchal. Panelo Festival - Cho da Ribeira, Seixal 28-29 Traditionally held on the last Sunday in January in Cho da Ribeira, Seixal, this is one of the districts oldest festivals bringing families and the whole community together as they prepare their signature dish, similar to a stew but made from cabbage, pork and local sausages cooked in huge pots over open fires. Madeira International Open Table Tennis Competition Funchal You may not know it but table tennis is big on the island, and with 27 clubs the sport is expanding all the time. The Carnival takes place across the Madeira island, during 10 days of February, from 15th to 26th, with plenty of stuff happening. Challenge your limits in contact with Madeira's natural heritage! Funchal Marathon 22Consisting of three competitions (marathon, half marathon and mini marathon), this sporting event is organised by the Madeira Athletics Association. Dedicated to three saints, traditional parades fill the brightly decorated streets of Funchal and there is plenty of music, bonfires and food stalls. The art week is organised by the Regional Government of Madeira and other official educational, governmental departments with the aim of creating closer ties between local schools. Nowadays the fair is not only a chance for farmers to get together the fair has become a major tourist attraction with its variety of livestock, exhibitions, stalls, including plant stalls and of course a wide variety of food and beverages on offer, all set off against the backdrop of Porto Monizs stunning countryside. Although squash is gaining in popularity on the island, the organisers hope that the camp will allow others to get a feel for the game through the camps instructional and fun environment. Madeira Flower Festival Celebrations 27 April-21 May 2023 (Children's 'Wall of Hope' 29th April and 'Flower Parade' 30th April) Every year, two weeks after Easter, Madeira Flower Festival fills the main streets of Funchals centre with floats displaying a myriad of flowers and colours. The parish of Ilha produces about 90 tonnes of lemons per year, which represents about 25% of the islands production. Foto Posjetite Madeiru-Diverse entertainment in the downtown area of Funchal from February 15th to 26th. Dressing up for Carnival is one of the best and most fun Madeiran traditions, especially for children. Fot Ltogassa meg Madeira-Diverse entertainment in the downtown area of Funchal from February 15th to 26th. Madeira Surfski Lifesaving and National Canoe Championship Seixal and Machico The two-day Madeira Surfski Lifesaving and National Canoe Championship organised by Madeira Regional Canoeing Association, and the Portuguese Canoeing Federation puts its competitors to the test. There is also a historical-ethnographic parade, where you can see how rich the wine culture in Madeira is. . Festa da Cebola (Onion Festival) Canio Dedicated to the humble onion, Festa da Cebola is a charming tribute to local farmers and the agricultural produce of Canio. This one-day bread fair takes place at Largo da Restaurao in the heart of Funchal on Avenida Arriaga with morning and afternoon entertainment provided by regional folklore groups. Held in the atmospheric setting of the Quina do Revoredo amphitheatre in Santa Cruz this event regularly attracts a broad genre of films from a truly national and international mix of film directors and actors. The Funchal Marathon is increasingly 'International', and this year is in its eighth edition, with a record number of 1,904 athletes registered, 1,402 of which, from 51 countries. Created to protect and preserve the cultural heritage of the bands and promote the music of lesser-known philharmonic composers. Concertos L Estalagem da Ponta do Sol Madeira is no stranger to experimenting with music and with a musical history that has been influenced by European, Arabic, and slaves from Guinea, Morroco and Mauritania there is little doubt that Madeiras tastes are as diverse as music itself. This is a very lively event, and as with all Madeiran religious festivals, there are plenty of local dishes to try, live entertainment and a feeling of gratitude and hope. FIND OUT MORE Experience Madeira's Carnival Colour, dance, music, costumes and broad smiles: enjoy this iconic party! If you like wine and if you wanna discover the timeless Madeira Wine - this is the place to be! Madeira Plunge Lido or Ponta Gorda Bathing Complex January 1st What better way to start the year by plunging into the sea at midday. If you not change browser settings, you agree to it. This festival comprises of several events held throughout Portugal and now Spain between March and November and includes gourmet dinners, workshops, show cooking, wine tasting and local produce tours.Saint Martin Festivities (Festa de So Martinho) 11 This annual religious event takes place at the Church of So Martinho where the people traditionally bake the last of the nut harvest, celebrate the goodness of So Martinho and taste the new wines made from the previous year's crop. Follow us on Instagram for more info on Madeira and its wine Lit with a hundred plus candles the setting for the concerts is intimate and atmospheric as the lights shimmer, reflecting the quality and beauty of the music. The simplest reason is - Madeira is a fabulous wine! During your car rental you just need to show your booking in the Villa Grill Restaurant and youll get 25% off the whole menu. Madeira Flower Classic Auto Parade The Madeira Flower Classic Auto Parade will take place on Sunday, May 15th, at 16h30, as part of the Flower Festival celebrations.Classic vehicles beautifully decorated, and people dressed in floral costumes parade along Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses. European Triathlon Cup Comprising of running, swimming and cycling events the European Triathlon Cup and the Portuguese Triathlon Cup are organised by the Regional Triathlon Association of Madeira and the Triathlon Federation of Portugal. Be part of the party! Don't miss the Atlantic Festival! Madeira Carnival Festivities 15-26 February, 2023(Main Parade 18th and Fun Parade 21st) One of the biggest street parties in Europe, Madeiras Carnival, evokes the riotous spirit of Rio! A wide range of restaurants and bars is set around a stage in Largo da Praa in Machico, where visitors can order a mouthwatering selection of traditional local delicacies, including fish, limpets, crabs and espetadas (a kind of kebab), accompanied by Madeiras finest wines. The festival aims to promote both Portuguese and International artists crossing a broad spectrum of musical genres including jazz, techo and post-rock. Over a thousand revellers participate dressed in eye-catching costumes in addition to a dozen exquisitely decorated floats. A further two endurance races of 13km from Ribeira Brava to Funchal and a smaller 4km race from Camra de Lobos to Funchal are hotly contested events. So Joo the patron saint of Porto Santo is honoured with candle-lit balloons. Have a look at our Motorcycle Rental on Madeira Island. It's impossible to stay aside and just watch. Festa do Despique is also part of the festivities a type of improvised folk music accompanied by traditional instruments. Jan 18, 2023. Groups with thousands of participants flood the main streets of Funchal with music and contagious enjoyment. During the week-long festival, there are several seminars, debates and workshops available with some having simultaneous English & Portuguese translations. Festa da Ma Camacha This Apple Festival takes place in the rural parish of Camacha and consists of an exhibition and street parade, which is very pleasant for both participants and visitors, due to the variety of colours and aromas perfuming the air. Of course with any local festival, there is plenty of music and an atmosphere that needs to be savoured and enjoyed. These ranged from the traditional mascarados, street revellers who dressed up in old ragged clothes and blackened their faces with soot, to private balls where the partygoers wore more conventional fancy dress based on themes such as well-known personalities, occupations or objects. 18 February 2023 - Allegoric Carnival Parade = 20 EUR per seat 23 February 2023 - Slapstick Parade = 5 EUR per seat 30 April 2023 - Great Allegoric Flower Parade = 30 EUR per seat Regatta of Traditional Canoes of Madalena do Mar The XI Regatta of Traditional Canoes of Madalena do Mar is a race event held in July to commemorate and revive Madeira's historic sea and fishing tradition. This cycle of concerts is a must for all music lovers. Participation is open to all, . Later, with the growth of the hotel industry in the 1970s, balls began to be organised by luxury hotels such as Reids Palace and the Savoy. The races start and finish at Avenida S Carneiro, and registrations close on the 27th of December.Madeira New Years Eve Funchal 31st December to January 1st New Years Eve is celebrated everywhere on the island, in hotels, restaurants, bars, and even in the streets. The Carnival, or Mardi Gras, celebrations in Madeira take place onSaturdaywith a fabulous parade of floats and remains an essentially folk festival. Regional Wheat and Chickling Vetch Exhibit The Regional Wheat and Chickling Vetch exhibit is a cultural event aimed at promoting the region's gastronomic traditions, hosted by the Casa do Povo da Quinta Grande community centre. . Carnival means endless parades, dancing, and lots of food and drinks on the streets. Joyful parades and endless fun on the streets. ADN Race Ponta do Sol ADN RACE is a Trail Running event that is part of the Regional Trail Championship, which is held in November in the municipality of Ponta do Sol and includes the following trials: Long Trail "Trail Longo" (32km 1800m D+); Short Trail "Trail Curto" (13km 800m D+); Walking "Caminhada" (8km 400m D+). Belmond Reid's Palace Hotel and Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias in Funchal, both synonymous with splendour, are the stages of this festival, created in 2012 by the Scottish director Aitken Pearson. With trails of unique scenic beauty, this event brings together athletes of various nationalities. Choose the right accommodation for you. Funchal city, especially Avenida Arriaga, will be full with Carnival's magic and the epicentre of numerous street entertainment initiatives, including Carnival music, shows, and various performances . Learn more about Madeiran embroidery, tapestry and ceramic tile painting by participating in workshops, or simply enjoy wine tasting, wine auctions, exhibitions of beautiful embroidery and live entertainment for three days. Columbus Festival Porto Santo Island 21-24This festival is dedicated to the great navigator Christopher Columbus and recalls the discoverers life in the Madeiran archipelago, his voyages to the Americas and the glorious times of the Portuguese Age of Discoveries. Madeira Organ Festival 1-31Part of the cultural festivals of the island, Madeira Organ Festival is a celebration of the enduring music of the Portuguese organ. These include the European Swimming League 10km Olympic distance, the popular 1500 metre event, both of which take place at Quinta Calaa Bay. Columbus lived in the archipelago for a few years during the last quarter of the 15th century, and his first child, Diogo, was born in Porto Santo. The Carnival festival in Madeira is one of the region's liveliest festivals. Music and folklore groups provide plenty of entertainment. So, why not do something entirely different and put your best foot forward for Earth Hour, as Funchal glimmers under the light of a thousand candles.Ocean Lava Madeira Long Distance Triathlon (dates to be announced)Put together Madeiras changeable winter climate and demanding topography and you have a world class triathlon attracting world-class competitors from all over the world. Warm weather, Madeira wine and a carnival? The doors open at 10:00 giving participating bathers time to warm up and chat and luckily the sea around Madeira is a lot warmer than the North Sea where the Dutch, who incidentally created the tradition, plunge into to celebrate the beginning of a new year.Cantar os Reis (Singing of the Kings) Funchal 5 Cantar os Reis is a charming Madeiran festival filled with carols and songs, celebrated on the 12th night after Christmas. Local restaurants in Largo do Chafariz, streets of Joo Tavira, Queimada de Cima, Queimada de Baixo, Bispo, Ferreiros, Praa de Colombo, and Praa do Carmo feature special traditional menus and a wide selection of local food and wine. On seeing the beggars plight, he ripped his cloak in two and gave the beggar half so that he could warm himself. Historically an important sea port for trade, Funchal was the first European city built in the Atlantic. 2 de February de 2014 19 de November de 2022 Selmo Mad Carnival. Nature Festival - An exciting adventure dedicated to those who love nature sports. Maktub Soundsgood Paul do Mar For those looking for something a little different on the music scene then the Maktub Soundsgood reggae festival in Paul do Mar is just for you. Madeira Wine Rally (Rali Vinho Madeira) Rally cars dominate Madeiras picturesque landscape over three days during the annual Madeira Wine Rally. Book Fair (Feira do Livro) Funchal Held under the beautiful jacaranda trees in Funchals Avenida Arriaga, the annual Funchal Book Fair is a week-long event. Dont forget to take home a box of home-grown onions direct from the farmer!. So Vicente Festival (Festas do Concelho) 20-28 For such a small island, Madeiras festival culture is second to none. Interested in Boat Tours in Madeira? Outdoor concerts are held all over the island, including Ribeira Brava, Cmara de Lobos and the auditorium in the Jardim Municipal in Funchal. Madeira Wine Live Harvest - Estreito de Cmara de Lobos The Madeira Wine Festival continues on the 10th with a live harvest and parade at Estreito de Cmara de Lobos. 2023: April 27 th to May 21 st - the great flower parade takes place on 30/04/2023 Atlantic Festival The Atlantic Festival marks the beginning of Summer. Subscribe to get updated content about our events and destination. Carnival Cruise Line 2023 itineraries of the cruise ship Carnival Jubilee with homeports and ports-of-call including dates and times. These ranged from the traditional mascarados, street revellers who dressed up in old ragged clothes and blackened their faces with soot, to private balls where the partygoers wore more conventional fancy dress based on themes such as well-known personalities, occupations or objects. Initially introduced to the island through the hotels, the game suddenly stormed into prominence with its fast, furious pace and as such the Madeira International Squash Open was born. COPYRIGHT 1997-2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Madeira on the radar of foreign investors, Funchal Marathon brings together 1,402 athletes from 51 countries, Portuguese Tourism takes Madeira to FITUR, Santo Amaro is already alive in Santa Cruz, Pearl of the Atlantic with record calls of ships, A portrait of old Madeira in a photography exhibition, Golf Course saves 70% of water from the public network. Nevertheless, the locals were not deterred from keeping up the tradition of celebrating Carnival in a lively way in the citys streets. The event includes a competition for young Madeiran stylists as well as the participation of well-known stylists from Madeira, mainland Portugal, the Azores, the Canary Islands, and Cape Verde. Carnival from February 15th to 26th, 2023 Life is two days and Carnival is three! Wine Harvest Festival Porto Santo Porto Santos Wine Harvest Festival is one of the biggest events in Porto Santo. With competition as fierce and as unpredictable as the ever-changing terrain and conditions, this race is a favourite among mountain bikers due to its demanding trails and fantastic if ever-changing scenery and weather conditions with the final stages attracting a large variety of spectators. Madeiras Carnival is a celebration of life and joy that brings people of all ages together in a spirit of unity and inclusivity. Nightlife hangout spots also offers various themed nights, during the period preceding Carnival, such as "Hippies Night" and "Travesties Night", inviting their clients to enjoy themselves disguising with a theme mask. Look out for the troupes and revellers that make Madeira's Carnival live up to its fame. Simply delicious! Ultra Skyrunning Madeira 2023 16-17Madeira is considered to be the most spectacular location in the whole series of Ultra Sky Marathons with its changing scenery, steep ascents and general technicality; this is, in fact, a technical race. The sport was created in 2004 and has gained popularity on the island with approximately two hundred competitors from twenty-one different countries taking part. So that you do not miss anything, count on us anytime any day. The rally is held over a number of stages, from Funchal to Cmara de Lobos, beautiful Machico and Santana. The dynamic programme offers insights into Madeiras natural and cultural heritage, as well as a wide range of adventurous activities for all ages, from paragliding over the mountains to sailing the deep blue Atlantic. There will be food tastings and workshops demonstrating creative ways to cook this delicious fish, followed by special wines and great entertainment. The village, famous for its natural lava rock pools and dramatic seascape transforms itself into a fulfilled week of competitions, sea games (think Its a Knock Out), open water raft and barrel races and other competitions with teams of entrants coming from all over the island, making it a fantastic spectator event. This festival can be said to mark the beginning of Carnival in Madeira, as it usually takes place about a week before. The participating vehicles will be on display in both cities, specifically in Funchal, near the Regional Assembly, and in Cmara de Lobos. Madeira Nature Festival 3-8, 2023 Discover the natural beauty of Madeira with the Madeira Nature Festival, a new addition to the islands annual events calendar. The schedule of this event includes daily group lessons, private training as well as different opportunities to get to know this beautiful island through sightseeing tours and action activities. CORTEJO ALEGRICO DE CARNAVAL MADEIRA - Carnival of Madeira 2020 #MadeiraAquiToPerto Turtv Atlntida Madeira 8.97K subscribers Join Subscribe Like Share Save 833K views 2 years ago. This is a real show of light, colour and music, that thousands join in to watch.On Tuesday afternoon, you can also enjoy another parade, known as Cortejo Trapalho, where comedy and satire are the main ingredients and anyone is free to join. Interested in tasting Madeira wines? Organised by the Federao de Campismo e Montanhismo de Portugal (FCMP) and the Santana Sports Club the event is divided into four categories 55km Ultra Sky marathon (USM), the 20km Santana Sky Race (SSR), a 13km Mini Sky Race (MSR) and the very challenging and gruelling 4.8km Santana KM Vertical Race SVK). Madeira Island Ultra Trail (MIUT 2023) 22-24 MIUT (Madeira Island Ultra Trail) is a mountain race across the island, annually promoted by Clube de Montanha do Funchal. Colour, dance, music, costumes and broad smiles: enjoy this iconic party! Get 25% off in one of the best Restaurants in Madeira*. The Exhibit will feature a number of local producers and companies from the agricultural sector selling passion fruit derivatives. This event, which started in 2008 with only 141 adventurers, has now over 2,000 participants from more than 30 different nationalities, including some notorious names from the national and international trail scene. The Enduro Mountain Bike competitors battle it out over five days, completing a total of twenty-five different stages covering some 200km of Madeiras unique and challenging terrain. Sour Cherry (Ginja) and Confectionery Exhibit The Curral das Freiras community centre will host a Sour Cherry and Regional Confectionery exhibition, a local gastronomic event, and a traditional Madeiran celebration with plenty of entertainment, food, and drink. . Mudas Contemporary Art Museum, in Calheta. Bars and nightclubs throughout the city also host Halloween parties. A number of varieties are harvested throughout early summer, including the large Norberto variety, which has been adapted to Madeiras climate and soil. Porto da Cruz Trail Natura Porto da Cruz Described as Nature, Sea, Mountain and Fun, the Porto da Cruz Trail Natura has it all. Regional Band Meeting Ribeira Brava Madeiras brass bands all come together in this exciting event in Ribeira Brava and have been doing so for many years. Official ceremonies are held throughout the Autonomous Region of Madeira, while families and friends enjoy picnics and plenty of lively local events. Madeira's Carnival is an itinerant festival and revelry arrives in each municipality in an original way. You don't need to be a competitive athlete, anyone can participate or watch. The competition is open to children, juniors, seniors and veterans. Jam sessions, master classes and workshops for jazz aficionados are also popular events. Madeira records its highest number of cruise calls in the last 10 years. A great selection of books are available for all ages.Atlantic Festival Fireworks Contest 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2023The Atlantic Festival is an exciting annual event that combines entertainment and culture. Flower Parade on Sunday 30th April 2023 Classic Car Auto Parade JUNE 2023: Atlantic Festival - Fireworks in June Every Saturday in June - Fireworks Contest On Saturdays in there will be a firework at Funchal harbour. The festival begins in the village of Cmara de Lobos with the actual picking of the grapes, the pickers parade, the treading of the grapes and other related traditions that are enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. This circuit covers approximately 160 kilometres (100 miles) and features a diverse range of vehicles, the oldest of which date back to 1952 and the most recent from 1988. The shows take place fortnightly covering a wide variety of musical genres from traditional, classical and philharmonic all performed by a wealth of talented Madeiran artists. The Madeira Web Summit 2023- Digital Nomad Edition, is a unique event that will take place from January 25th to 29th. Held in the grounds of Estalagem da Ponta do Sol and within earshot of the Atlantic ocean, what better way to experience new music by artists as passionate about their art as we are about listening to it.Canio Gastronomic Week Canio There is something about Madeira that makes gastronomic festivals unique, and the Canio Gastronomic Festival is no exception. Madeira Carnivaltradition dating back over half a century is one of the genuine cultural expressions of the people of Santana.
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