In addition, employers must ensure that their record keeping meets the highest standards among the three enforcement entities. Effective January 1, 2023, the Maine minimum wage increase is at $13.80 per hour. No. January 11th, 2023 Report It, Fix It Alerts & Announcements 3 Doing Business My Rockland. Minimum wage increases are usually based on inflation, a rise in the cost of living, and due to everything that transpired over the prior year, it comes as no surprise that Maine, like some other states, has seen a modest, but much-needed increase to the minimum wage. Ch. Sy5)>>7wwXY=T}Mf] 22*"u8i_)LplN+nnXg) $k(4Yxal~\x@] KVNo`i8gWk [|vTv0&d]5ttPeCS9_Ze9-Nyue`U~{XQu! Maine State Minimum Wage 2023 Minimum Wage By States 2022. 0000039516 00000 n In this Feb. 24, 2021, file photo, a server balances an order while coming out of the kitchen at a restaurant on the Portland waterfront. In addition to the minimum wage, the new "tip wage," or service employee minimum wage, in 2023 will be $6.90 per hour. The law pertained to women and minors in the fish packing business; the law established that upon a petition of fifty signatures the commissioner should investigate wages being paid and that if these wages were determined to be oppressive or unreasonable then a wage board would be appointed to report on protections necessary. For tipped employees, employers can take a tip credit of up to $6.08 and must pay tipped employees a cash wage of $6.08 per hour. Maine law requires annual adjustments to the minimum wage based on the cost of living index (CPI-W) for the Northeast Region. Get Started with Square Payroll Accrual of leave begins at the start of employment, but the employer is not required to permit use of the leave before the employee has been employed by that employer for 120 days during a one-year period. 2023 Minimum Wage Rates by State Compliance, Employee Benefits Several states have adopted minimum wage rates higher than the federal rate of $7.25 per hour. %PDF-1.7 % As a result, a number of regional center vendors may be eligible for a rate adjustment in order to pay employees the new minimum wage. Home Labor Laws Wage and Hour Division History of Maine's Minimum Wage Rate, Maine's minimum wage history dates back to 1937 when P.L. This is only one of the factors used in determining whether a worker is exempt from overtime pay under federal or state law. iv{[JoXic:#$>}}rYG0i9!kN1^~Kza|_ |4&mMn5wy{ OzHN6}>Yo|/CO7 Qh|un]WB45z|wf wdby*@K0{4Gw}yeYe6,j5F-+RQw_oA,XChdbV6YbVY~IimzJ&aCj|.+Y}!Q These stretches included: 1960-1964, 1992-1995, 1998-2001, and 2009-2014 (the present). [2] It is also important to note the clear and obvious distinctions between states such as Maine and states such as Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. 0000013247 00000 n The minimum hourly wage is $7.50 per hour. Top of Page The Departments Bureau of Labor Standards is responsible for enforcing the state's labor laws, such as minimum wage and overtime statutes, and ensuring that both workers and employers understand and comply with the law. 0000031062 00000 n But the states full ban on those so-called forever chemicals doesnt begin until 2030. The calculations were based on statutory requirements and federal Bureau of Labor Statistics data issued Sept. 13. In worker's rights cases, such as wage and hour or workplace safety complaints, the jurisdiction almost always falls to the authority that offers the most protection for the worker; in the case of wages, it falls to the jurisdiction with the highest minimum wage that can be enforced. Auxiliary aids and services are available to individuals with disabilities upon request. Firstly, from 1965-1981 the minimum wage was raised every year- and twice in 1975- except for 1970; over this time it went from $1.15/hour to $3.35/hour. Under most municipal ordinances, employers have the responsibility to ensure that the highest wage is paid based on the location of where the work was performed. Then, in 2011, LD 1786 terminated the requirement that the Department of Labor calculate and then report the livable wage. 0000003497 00000 n Thus the state of Maine currently enjoys a minimum wage higher than the federal wage. Since 1974, however, Maine has increased its minimum wage twenty-two times- both independently and to remain in accordance with the federal minimum wage. We are an online publication that creates actionable advice, guidance, statistics, and helpful resources on doing business and living in the United States. Per State Law, Maine's Minimum Wage to Increase to $12.75 Per Hour in 2022. Rate Changes Due to the Minimum Wage Increase - January 1, 2023 Due to the enactment of Senate Bill (SB) 3, the California minimum wage will increase to $15.50 per hour, effective January 1, 2023, for all employers. to Portland, Maine. Follow us on social media or sign up for email alerts. What is the minimum wage in Missouri in 2024? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. For tipped employees, employers can take a tip credit of up to $6.08 and must pay tipped employees a cash wage of $6.08 per hour. We provide a comprehensive insurance portfolio that protects you and your family today and beyond. Square Payroll software includes custom payroll features, which make running your unique business needs a breeze, and offers small business pricing, which helps you remain under budget. SB 407 - Under current law, the minimum wage rate is set to increase by $. seq., this is a determination by the Bureau of Labor Standards, of the fair minimum wage rate to be paid to laborers and workers employed on the below titled project. The minimum wage would rise to $16.50 per hour on January 1, 2024 and $18 per hour on January 1, 2025. Watch this amazing video of a mother fisher rounding up its kits, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. 0.92. 5 min read. 0000030612 00000 n The following states have passed legislation to reach a $15 minimum wage in 2023 and beyond. 10.42. Maine labor law allows tipped employees to be paid a lower cash wage than the standard Maine minimum wage by their employers, as up to $5.50 in tips earned per hour can be deducted from their wage as a "Tip Credit". 0000054874 00000 n The Act would raise the current minimum wage of $13 per hour to $15 per hour on January 1, 2023. In 2023, the minimum wage increased to $13.80 per hour, which was a $1.05 wage increase from 2022. Additionally, be sure to post updated minimum wage notices in each work location. Most employers will have to abide by the minimum wage set for their state by paying the correct wage to all employees they hire. The minimum wage has also increased overtime to incorporate more professions and thus more workers.,, Department of Labor Freedom of Access Contact Information, Toll-Free: 1-800-593-7660 (Customer service available Mon-Fri, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.), TTY/Relay for Deaf and hard of hearing: Maine relay 711. The amendment further clarified that tip pooling is a valid practice as described by federal laws and regulations. regardless of profit or size. Maine's new minimum wage of $12.75 is one of the highest in the nation and is also the third-highest minimum wage in New England. Maine: Minimum wage set to rise to $13.80 by Jan. 1; The Department of Labor is an equal opportunity provider. For tipped employees, employers can take a tip credit of up to $6.90 and must pay tipped employees a cash wage of $6.90 per hour. Through specialization, we understand the greatest risks and opportunities facing your industry. Manage Settings You can see when there were increases in the minimum wage, how much they were, and what percentage increase it represents. In preparation for the new year, the Maine Department of Labor is reminding employers of upcoming labor law changes, such as updates to minimum wage and vacation payout. Such steps were established and a minimum rate of 33 cents per hour was set. 289 was passed. Jason Coles is the Founder of Foreign USA and its Chief Content Writer and Editor. We specialize in personal and flexible strategies to support multiemployer (Taft-Hartley) health, retirement and insurance needs. AUGUSTA - Pursuant to Maine law (Maine statute 26 MRS 664), effective January 1, 2022, the state minimum wage will increase from $12.15 to $12.75 per hour, based on data recently made available by the U.S. Department of Labors Bureau of Labor Statistics. Despite this, though, Maine still enjoys a higher minimum wage than the Federal Government demands and, subsequently, has a higher minimum wage than 29 states and equal to that of two other states. The graphic below showcases the minimum wage in Maine over the past several years, dating back to 2018, when the rate was just $10.00 per hour, and ending in our current year, 2023. The new tip wage for service employees is half, now at $6.90 per hour for those who receive tips. <> The adjustment will boost wages for up to 147,000 working Mainers, according to the Maine Center for Economic Policy (MECEP). Maine's state minimum wage rate is $12.75 per hour . More information on these and other labor laws can be found here: . For example, if your state minimum wage is $14 and the local minimum wage is $15, you must generally pay the employee at least $15 per hour, since it's higher than the state and federal minimum wage rates. Maine's minimum wage will increase from $12.75 to $13.80 based on a state law that requires annual adjustments based on a cost-of-living index. 0000026104 00000 n SB 75 | Illinois Sexual Harassment Training Services, Horizontal Drilling and Boring Contractor Insurance, Real Estate Development & Property Management Insurance, Hospice Insurance & Palliative Insurance Program, Food Processing & Manufacturing Insurance, Grain and Oilseed Manufacturing Insurance, Resale, Consignment & Thrift Shop Insurance, Tow Truck Insurance for Owners & Operators, HR Technology and Benefits Administration, Directors and Officers Liability Insurance, Using Life Insurance to Fund Buy-Sell Agreements. John Carney on July 19, 2021, set the minimum wage increase in motion. 2023 ADP, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maryland: $12.50 to $13.25. Under a provision of a state law that went into effect last year, Maine's minimum wage will be adjusted annually based on the cost of living index in the Northeast. 2023 Horton Group. The Department of Labor is an equal opportunity provider. For some, a pay hike has softened the blow. . Meanwhile, some major companies have recently upped their entry-level pay. Click any state for details about the minimum wage, exemptions, and other state labor laws. The duties of each worker must be considered as part of this analysis. For example, in the case where an employee who works within a city for one day but outside the city on other days, an employer may be required to break down the rates of pay per jurisdictional requirements. Further, household inflation for the state of Maine as of May 2022 was 10.2 percent, which breaks down into an additional monthly cost per household of $529. In workers rights cases, such as wage and hour or workplace safety complaints, the jurisdiction almost always falls to the authority that offers the most protection for the worker; Employees who work in the local areas who contact the State to file a complaint about their employer will be referred by the State to the local enforcement agency when the complaint involves a local ordinance. The minimum wage went up in 23 states on Jan. 1, 2023 . In 2007 the issue of a livable wage was returned to. 0000009852 00000 n The rates which will apply from 1 April 2023 are as follows: Rate from April 2023. So take your time and cast a wide net when recruiting new employees. 0000031607 00000 n The tipped minimum wage in Maine is exactly half of the current 2023 minimum wage at $6.90 per hour, however, your employer must make up for the rest of the minimum wage in tips, making the tip credit in Maine $6.90 per hour. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Hobbs introduced as Maine Scholars Strategy Network Policy Engagement Fellow Published: January 17, 2023; Otterby presents research on minimum wage laws at international region science meeting Published: January 12, 2023; Bell presents research on community resilience at international regional science conference Published: January 10, 2023 Maine State Minimum Wage 2023 Minimum Wage By States 2022 Minimum Wage $13.50 by January 1, 2023 $14.25 by January 1, 2024 $15.00 by January 1, 2025 Thereafter, the minimum wage may increase each January, to the nearest $0.05, depending on the rate of inflation, and will be announced no later than November 1 of the previous year. All Rights Reserved. AUGUSTA - Pursuant to Maine law (Maine statute 26 MRS 664), effective January 1, 2022, the state minimum wage will increase from $12.15 to $12.75 per hour, based on data recently made available by the U.S. Department of Labors Bureau of Labor Statistics. The table below provides the history of Maines minimum wage over the years since 1983! !PUs 1 0 obj Augusta, Maine 04333-0045 Telephone (207) 623-7906 Wage Determination - In accordance with 26 MRS 1301 et. Employees must be notified of any decrease in wages or salary at least one day prior to the change. New Hampshire, which currently adheres to the Federal minimum wage rate, is the only state in New England with a lower minimum wage than Maine. The Department of Labor is an equal opportunity provider. Together, the . v~s}|t}DNji/9fOUnU;=o&oa&! But from 1985-1990, the state of Maines minimum wage was higher than the Federal. Maine Minimum Wage Law Update Minimum wage increases to $13.80 per hour Direct wage to service employees increases to $6.90 per hour Service employees regularly receive more than $175 a month in tips New minimum salary requirement for exempt status will be $796.17 New wage rates effective January 1, 2023 Wage and Hour Exemptions Get a 2023 Maine all-in-one labor law poster Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Maine and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Maine and federal posting requirements. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Ensure that you understand the minimum wage rules that apply to your employees and, if applicable, make any necessary changes in RUN Powered by ADP before January 1, 2023 (December 31, 2022 in New York). This law change raised several interpretive questions about how the amended law interacts with Maine's existing earned paid leave law. 3 0 obj This will also include all accrued Earned Paid Leave if established in company policy or in practice. This is greater than the Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25. Furthermore, although the states minimum wage is higher than the Federal minimum wage, Maines minimum wage rate is slightly behind most of the rest of New England- Vermont has a minimum wage of $8.73/hour; Massachusetts has a minimum wage of $8.00/hour; Connecticut has a minimum wage of $8.70/hour; and Rhode Island has a minimum wage rate of $8.00/hour. The information below applies to January 1, 2023 (and December 31, 2022) increases only. Learn how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Payment of Wages - Employees who leave a job must be paid in full on the next payday or within two weeks, whichever is earlier. 0000006206 00000 n Illinois: $12 to $13. Learn how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, hire temporary employees during your busy seasons. 0000010919 00000 n Some states increase their minimum wage rates on a different schedule. This bill increases the minimum wage of the employees of employers employing 50 or more full-time employees to $13.00 on January 1, 2021, to $14.00 on January 1, 2022 and to $15.00 on January 1, 2023. Title 26, chapter 7, section 626, Cessation of Employment, was amended by P.L. Set yourself up for success: One of the first steps when starting your own business and hiring employees is to get a free EIN (or Employer Identification Number), which you need for tax purposes to pay your employees. Colleen writes for Square, where she covers everything from how aspiring entrepreneurs can turn their passion into a career to the best marketing strategies for small businesses who are ready to take their enterprise to the next level. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). On the one October 11, 2016 In 1997 the Federal minimum wage was raised to $5.15/hour. Maine's minimum wage increased to $13.80, up from the previous . Minimum wage; overtime rate. This blog does not provide legal, financial, accounting, or tax advice. State minimum wage data, 2022-2023 2023 minimum wages The average state minimum wage in 2023 was $10.47, up from $9.85 in 2022 and $9.59 in 2021. See below for a full list of minimum wages across the country. The employer may not take a larger tip credit for an overtime hour than for a straight time hour. There have, throughout Maines legislative history but particularly in more recent legislatures, been attempts to tie the minimum wage to the cost of living; these have all failed to pass. v (+ endobj 0000035515 00000 n California will have the highest minimum wage in 2023, at 15.50 dollars. According to, "tip wage" also increased for 2023. The Maine Department of Labor enforces the minimum wage in Maine, if you have any questions or concerns, check out their website. 0000007216 00000 n The number of . Typically, if an employer's headquarters/office is in the municipality with a higher minimum wage, those workers would be subject to the local minimum. We suggest that employers refer to the U.S. Department of Labor website, which includes an Overtime Advisor calculating tool: This means that the new minimum wage in Maine starting on January 1st, 2023 will be $13.80 per hour. Connecticut (2023) Delaware (2025) Florida (2026) Illinois (2025) Maryland (2025) Florida: The minimum wage will increase from its current $11 to $12 on Sept. 30, 2023. It also stated that a service charge included in a bill in a banquet or private club setting is not a tip and that the customer must be notified of this, that all employees in the banquet or private club setting must be compensated in accordance with the State's minimum wage and overtime laws and that the service charge can be used to meet these obligations. Hire the best: Hiring the right people is always important, but doubly so when you operate a small business. Note that an employee's tips plus cash wage should equal at least $12.15. Employers are still liable for all recordkeeping and poster requirements under federal, state, and municipal regulations. With 26 MRS 1301 et among the three enforcement entities for consent federal or state law 0000010919 00000 n minimum... 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