The mermaids find Zac in the pool with a tail, revealing his secret to the mermaids. Ondina sees this as a threat and wants to stop him, but she vanishes as she steps foreward into the circle of the chamber, causing Mimmi to call out Ondina's name in panic. The pod then returns to Mako and Mimmi swims off with the others to greet them, overjoyed at now being reunited with both her pod and her brother. Mimmi was there, under the caves surrounding Mako, when Zac fell into the moon pool. In "Surprise! grain valley municipal. In "Truce" and "Nowhere to Hide" he uses this power as well so he doesn't get caught in the cafe and the warehouse. By the time they arrive, Erik has already succeeded in activating the chamber. During the seventh cycle, Zac began to have visions of the island of Mako, and the chamber of the trident with Mimmi who is capable of seeing them as well. They share a connection spirit. Rita finds out that the trident can help because it stores moonlight. Erik finds it and takes away Zac's powers with it, but he invites Zac to be in the merman chamber when Erik activates it because Zac is still a merman. As a human, Zac is of medium height at 5'8" with a bulky physique. She regularly practices potions and spells using resources in Rita's grotto. This was a pretty big shock for him. But, what if the pod wont allow you to see me? Inspired by "The Whirlwind Girl"My MC is called "Paige Walker", "The war is over, everything seemed good, but is it really good? At first, Zac doesn't understand the actions of the girls, but he soon realises that they are new mermaids as he sees their moonrings. Sirena's sister Aquata and her best friend Maya, make an unexpected visit to the three mermaids while they are discussing their problem. So come on this is my adventure Both the concept and the crossover are free to play with if this story inspires you. ' , . mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi. There, Nerissa explains what happened to her and how she became the dragon. The stories can be read on their own or as a part of the series. What if she had been a different person altogether- someone a little closer to home? The mermaids are shocked to find out what happened and they blame Zac. Mimi got herself banished for Zac. Mimmi apologizes to young Zac for embarrassing him and tries to convince him to help her and the others by explaining that he is the only one who can help them because he is special. Eventually, Zac finds out that he's adopted by the people of which he thought that they were his biological parents, that he has a sister and who his real mother is. The next morning, Zac awakens on the beach of Mako, with only the memory that he discovered a cave entrance. left kudos on this work. Mimmi and Ondina were setting in the cafe chatting away with Evie like usual. He can also knock out anyone with the trident by zapping them. A story set in a human alternate world, where Rita and Veridia are vocalists in metal bands. It shouldnt have been a surprise when it didnt work, but hope can blind you. Find love? Too bad it took this much to make that really sink in. It's unknown if landgirls can touch the trident. Zac Blakely & Mimmi (Mako Mermaids) Mimmi (Mako Mermaids) & OC; Zac Blakely; Mimmi (Mako Mermaids) Summary. I'm sorry for the lack of pictures; I can't figure out how to upload them. ondina. You are Zac's twin sister and Mimmi's younger sister. +22 more. Then, out of nowhere, I get a surge of anger. In "Dolphin Tale", he starts a funny situation with Joe's boat and starts moving it with his powers. Ever since Mimmi found out Zac was her brother, she has shown him the same kind of loyalty and would go to great lengths to protect and please him. Mimi and Chris have broken up due to him going off to college. Later, the mermaids end up with the stone again after it is given to them by Cam who had been enlisted by Zac to hide it. But Zac does not want to be involved in all this. Two new mermaids called Ondina and Mimmi hear Sirena talk to the council and they think that they can get rid of Zacs powers. They are shocked and dump him onto the beach. Sirena (friend) Sort by: Hot. Im not asking you to accept that were brother and sister, but I want you to know that Im here for you. One-shot. mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi The pressure of Zac and Ondinas powers become so great that the drinks explode, causing Ondina and Zac to become wet. Things get even weirder when they discover strange powers that may have bigger effects on their daily lives than they could ever imagine. Like Sirena, she usually wears girly dresses and skirts and cute tops. Mimmi would also learn much more about herself during this experience. Pairings, characters and rating may change per chapter. [Set in: Season 4 of Teen Wolf][Set in: Season 3 of H2O Just Add Water]. Nissologist Veridia is going to Mako and Rita joins her for a weekend. Mako is a magical Island that a pod of mermaids call home. When Kayla Smith, the last Black-tailed Mermaid, meets Zac, Sirena, Mimmi, Ondina and Erik, things seem to change. It becomes clear that Zac is the only one capable of controlling the chamber, and he also becomes obsessed with finding out its purpose and why hes connected to it. Both of them seem to be extremely caring and protective of each other. I walk toward the door. He goes to Mimmi to find out. As Ondina and Erik spend increasingly more time together, she also spends increasingly less time with Mimmi sparking jealousy. This would eventually cause them to have a fallout, although they do makeup. Mimmi tries to reason with him, but Erik refuses to give up, and soon Zac arrives to intervene having been alerted of the situation by a vision. Mimi and Chris have broken up due to him going off to college. (Jotaro isnt wearing his ugly hat in this btw). She is successful and Zac's life and powers are restored, to her great relief and joy. 29. mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". But his eyes were saying something else. Zac is furious at Cam and he takes the trident by force. Evie cannot believe what shes seeing. However, things in his life become complicated again. Work Search: So you want to become a mermaid? When it get's to dangerous, they decide to stop. Zac becomes the mermaid's enemy and he manages to get the trident. Mako Mermaids: Mimmi's Secret One shot Disclaimer: I do not own Mako Mermaids Authors note: This takes place about a month after season 3 episode 13: The Chosen One. (AU after S2E13). Although Mimmi and Ondina are cast out of the pod for this, Mimmi hardly cares as she has now found an important piece of her life she somehow always knew was missing and a family that she thought she never had. At the first look, Cam is very supportive of his friend and helps him keeping Zac's secret hidden from Evie. According to the council, the Dragon was supposed to be a enemy to all merpeople, including Mimmi . Mermaids fear the trident. You grew up forging for yourself and exploring the ocean. A moment of silence appears, and then Mimmi appears out of the water, together with Nerissa. Rita You know the story! When Sirena was banished, Aquata left OR Sirena watches Zac and Mimis relationship and ponders her relationship with her own sibling, Aquata. This is part of a series, of semi-connected works that fill in some gaps in the series and/or go more into depth of certain characters perspectives, ect. Zac and Mimmi leave the chamber, hoping that it didn't work. Eventually, Chris finally musters up the courage to ask her out and she happily accepts. Missing moments and scenes from season two. After trying desperately to escape onto land, Zac and the other mermaids arrive but are unable to rescue her. :)So this is my first video of Mako Mermaids. Mimmi, Ondina and Sirena After a confrontation in the moon pool, the consequences of Veridia's plan are revealed and Zac's life may never be the same again. He had been with Sirena, Ondina, Mimmi, Rita, and another mermaid named Viridia on Mako Island, where Viridia had attempted to do what Mimmi and Ondina had previously, take away his merman powers that hed acquired by falling into the Moon Pool under the full moons light. Rita went back to the pod, but also . The pod is under direct attack and Zac is caught in the crossfire. In the meantime, Zac knows whats going on at Mako, but hes stopped by Evie, who believes that Zac wants to go to Mako to keep his tail forever, instead of getting rid of it. Then another . As he actually touches the symbol, he hears some cracking sounds and right after, he falls through the solid ground underneath his feet into The Moon Pool, while there were three mermaids present in the pool called Lyla, Nixie, and Sirena. . Where he starts a whole new life only to find out after a climbing accident on a certain island and falling into a strange pool during a full moon that his life changes forever. Out of curiosity, he reaches out his hand to the symbol, which causes the symbol to glow. He finds out that the chamber can only be activated by the trident stone, and he goes looking for the trident stone. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! 23 guests Mimmi is actually his long lost sister. In "Zac's Return to Mako", when he is under the influence of the full moon, Lyla tries to stop him from reaching the land entrance and he pushed her away using this power. (Post "The Job") Rated: Fiction T - English - Zac B. . Mila looked back and forth at both of them, mouth flapping silently. The Mako Gang has just defeated a water dragon and thinks that the worst has passed, even after a disastrous super moon. Ondina sees this and this makes her very angry with Weilan. Afterwards, Mimmi apologizes for leaving Chris, but he begins to have doubts about their relationship. Danger soon starts to fill the air after the group discovers that the trident stone is the true key to starting the chamber and when Zac accidentally causes it to become active again. Zac also breaks his friendship with Cam. They are all shocked to see this. When he is showing Cam that he turned into a merman, he creates a water ball and throws it at Cam. Where he starts a whole new life only to find out after a climbing accident on a certain island and falling into a strange pool during a full moon that his life changes forever. Suddenly an entrance to a cave appears and he enters the cave to explore it. She then promises never to leave them again as Mimmi shares a hug with her newly reunited family, overjoyed at now having both her brother and her mother back. Welche Kriterien es vor dem Kaufen die Nici qid zu untersuchen gibt! Mako Mermaids: A Late night for Zac & Cam, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Zac is topless while he's in merman form. In the process, Mimmi is hurt by the stone when she touches it experiencing the life-draining effect it has on mermaids. There's no where left to hide and everyone wants to be the one to bring in another living mermaid. He then reconnects with all the people he cares about, including Cam, and accepts Mimmi as his sister. Zac also uses the trident to control the mermaids and to keep them away from him. I felt cheap. His whole life appears to be a lie. Mako Mermaids Grotto; Zac's Garage; Moon Pool; Mako Island; Australia; Objects. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). They are afraid of him, although Sirena tells them that Poseidon is a friendly cat. Zac and Ondina are screaming Mimmi's name. She looked beautiful. Plus I don't really know what to put here. This is how Weilan could warn everyone, and they all escaped the dragon. Suddenly another bump happened. She took a special class on enlargement in. Her desire for a family was so strong that upon learning that she has a brother in Zac, Mimmi openly defied her leader Verida to protect him at the cost of her place in the pod. After the meeting, Evie, Ondina and Mimmi have to leave because Evie got her Moon Ring from Veridia and shes invited to celebrate her first full moon with the pod. Zac is horrified upon seeing his sister hurt by the stone and resolves to hide it which Mimmi has complete faith he will do despite Ondina's fears that he might be tempted. Battlelines 24m. You are my prisoner for today. Zac Blakely sat by the ocean on the beach near his home (or at least what he'd always regarded as his home) thinking about the events of the past few days. As the pod prepare to fight the dragon, Mimmi and Ondina soon begin to suspect something is wrong when the dragon does not appear to them despite the moon haven already risen. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. He has short brown hair, darker skin considering his actor's Thai descent, and brown eyes. Aquata says goodbye to Sirena and she gives her moonring to Sirena. Zac is overwhelmed with what just happened and he decides to go to Mako to find the chamber, but Ondina doesn't agree with this. Zac knew hed have to talk to her sooner or later, so he agreed. You risked your life for me. After revealing her true identity, Chris is overjoyed to learn she is a mermaid and immediately reestablishes his relationship with her. This is particularly true after the group discovers a merman chamber in which Ondina disappears and Zac not only prevents Mimmi from suffering the same fate, but the two of them are able to work together to bring her back. She also continues to make frequent trips on land to hang out at Rita's grotto and the cafe along with all the other new friends she made there such as Cam, Carly and most importantly, her brother Zac. "Hey sis." He cheerily said. Zac was so lost in thought that he didnt even hear Mimmi come up behind him and call his name. Zac's girlfriend Evie gets jealous of Lyla after seeing them 'cuddling' on the jetty. Add to the mix a thalassophobic pianist, a marine biologist (possibly cryptozoologist) who might actually be completely insane, and a treasure-hunting Canadian one thing's for sure: their lives sure just got a whole lot more interesting. Believing it can slay the dragon, the mermaids ask Rikki for the bracelet, but she turns them away and has them thrown out. Takes place after season 1 episode 4. When Zac comes to Mimmi's aid, Erik uses the stone to draw out Zac's power, leaving Zac without magic. As Zac and Weilan arrive to help, they soon retreat to warn the pod. By waving his hand over the control panel in the chamber, he can control it. Zac brings Lyla to Rita's cave as fast as he can, calling out for help, while Cam takes the trident to Zacs house without caring about Lyla. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Mimmi and the rest of the pod are led astray by Weilan to hide on the opposite side of the ocean where the dragon will appear so Zac can carry out their plan. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. After moving to Australia, she is sucked into a world with me After the Second Titan War, Percy Jackson and his family were ready for a break. Cam is jealous at Zacs tail and tries to influence Zac. Slightly offended by this remark, Zac reminds her that she has him. When she and Ondina return to Mako to try to save it for the pod, they are both soon introduced to Zac. Zac Blakely. He is portrayed by Chai Hansen. But Veridia doesn't another way out and has no mercy. Hopefully Ill be ready to accept the truth of my heritage soon, but in the meantime, Im glad to know I have people I can turn to when I need them, Zac said.
1000 sort:hits. They try to use their moonrings to heal Lyla, but in vain. ", she used this power to lift a water bubble. After Zac is able to come to terms with who he is after talking with his parents, he is also finally able to accept Mimmi as his sister much to her delight. To start up the chamber, he first must touch rocks that lie around Mako, with symbols carved in it, and after that he must enter the right code on the control panel in the chamber and he must place the trident stone in the right position. They seem to change in ways nobody can explain. Zac returns to Cam and tries to explain to Cam what he saw, to Cam's disbelief. Together with Zac, Weilan and Ondina, Mimmi goes to face the dragon on the next full moon, and she breaks the spell. Cause I'm n What happens when h20 original mermaids had daughters and it's based off in mako mermaid time? Borderline M for Swearing & Smut. She then reveals she is from the future and goes on to tell him how important he is to her revealing that they are close in the future, lightly hinting that they are siblings. This is the alternate ending of Heaven's Secret (A visual Novel by Romance club). A fight between the two emerges. Mako Mermaids! Sweet, but self-doubting and clumsy, she is extremely intelligent and always seems to be soaking up knowledge without even trying. And when he started up, Erik saw Ondina and other mermaids!! And then theres the other time he nearly lost his life (AU), Zac Wakes up from a nightmare, a nightmare that makes him think That maybe his mom simply didn't WANT to save him from the Pod. Erik tries to shut it down on the command of Ondina, who is lying exhausted on the ground in the merman chamber together with Mimmi and Sirena, but Erik fails. Thank you Mimmi for telling me that. She hides it halfway the route to Mako into a cave, hoping that it will never ever been found again by Zac. They seem to change in ways nobody can explain. Femslash February 2022. Zac learns this trick from Weilan in season 3, to stop the dragon. Their relationship becomes very strained because Zac is hiding his secret from her, and even more when Lyla and Zac become close friends. After making Ondina apologize for treating him badly and young Zac seemingly accepts her apology, Mimmi attempts to ask him for his help which he seems willing and eager to do. In the meantime, Ondina appears again in the middle of the jungle, where she's found by Erik, who's wondering what Ondina is doing out there. Sirena loses sight of the newbies. While trying to be understanding, Mimmi cannot help but feel a little frustrated since she is also hurting from having to grow up without any family due to her own abandonment from their mother while Zac has had a family in the Blakey couple. This dragon can take away a mermaid and merman's tail and powers, and its meant to destroy pods. + -. There are also more complications with Zac's growing connection to Mako. Mimmi scolds Ondina for her behavior towards him but Ondina dismisses this, just being satisfied that they got the shell. I asked, nervously. Banished Mermaid (Zac Blakely Love Story) Kyla is a mermaid from Mako and she is best friends with Nixie and Sirena. As the group prepare to face the dragon for the final time, they look on in horror as the dragon is struck by lightning from a magic storm conjured by the mermaid council. Zac is embarassed in the front of Cam and Cam doesnt believe Zac. Mimmi could still see the others' starring at herflinching when she showed even a modest display of magic. Zac turned to her and saw clearly for the first time how much they truly resembled each other and he knew that hed found not just a friend, but a sister as well. He goes to Mimmi to find out. However, young Zac is still upset for being humiliated in front of young Evie (who is just his crush at time) and shows no interest in helping at first. He eventually accepts Mimmi, after a discussion with his adoptive parents. Out of anger, Cam pushes Zac into the water. As a merman, Zac is slightly taller, around 6'0" with a bulky physique. Sorry for the long MIA stuff. Zac and Weilan rush to the mermaids, but before they arrive, the dragon got distracted by the boat of Davids brother. Chris is a new character that appears in season 2 and recurring in season 3 of Mako: Island of Secrets. Erik is then able to escape with the stone while Mimmi tends to her brother. An alternate set of events, starting with the series 2 episode 'supersized'. Warn mako mermaids fanfiction zac protective of mimmi pod wont allow you to know that im here for you. and!: hits, which causes the symbol, which causes the symbol to glow off college. 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