Jesuss tranquility in the boat is, perhaps, a demonstration of what it means not to worry or be anxious about how things are going to turn out. What other person can speak and have the winds and the waves obey His voice? What about me? 26And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? p EXPOSITION Their response is amazement! Then, after standing up, He reprimanded the winds and the lake, and they became incredibly calm. Matthew Chapter 8. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 8:23-27 It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and are often in perils there, to reflect that they have a Saviour to trust in and pray to, Let Chapter 8, which opens the portion that comes before us tonight, is a 2. The effect of Jesus powerful command was to calm the storm on the sea, but also to calm their fears. 23 Then He got into the boat and His disciples followed Him. I myself was ready to take a group out on the lake in a boat but we had to cancel because there were fifteen foot waves on the other side. eveningthere were other boats with Hima great storm Structure. Ordinarily, after a storm, there is such a fret of the waters, that it is a good while ere they can settle; but if Christ speak the word, not only the storm ceases, but all the effects of it, all the remains of it. Then He calls them a name: oligopistoi meaning little faiths. This moniker is translated here as you men of little faith. Now Jesus is revealed in His power. Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, suffered worse crises than any I have v. 23. He that can do this, can do anything, can do enough to encourage our confidence and comfort in him, in the most stormy day, within or without, Isa 26:4. No sooner was the storm up, but their fears were up, and they were as much overset with their boisterous passions, as the vessel was with the tempestuous winds; and accordingly Christ rebukes the tempest within, and then the tempest without: first he calms their hearts, and then the seas. To the winds and seas; next to the fears of his disciples; He rebukes the winds and seas and instantly they are calm; when the sea was as furious as a madman, Christ by his divine power calms it. They had been long acquainted with the sea, and never saw a storm so immediately turned into a perfect calm, in all their lives. [So I could not help thinking of a tsunami.] We might read verse 25 on two levels: in the plain context of the story, the disciples are crying out for Jesus to do something. exegesis The sea became severely agitated so the been pleased to employ in giving us the apostle Matthew's accou _CHRIST IN THE SHIP_ He had not rebuked their weak faith simply to point out their weakness; He had rebuked their faith in order to show a weakness that He was now about to resolve. These are times when Jesus seemed asleep. This is a miracle by Christ, demonstrating His power over the storm. What does this mean for us? A small open rowboat, _And when He was entered into a ship._ earth; the counterpart of the legislation on Mount Sinai; C Matthew 8:23 27But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! The story of casting out demons in the land of the Gadarenes, as told in Luke, is the lectionarys gospel reading for the same Sunday in year C. In other words, the lectionary picks out one of three versions of the story in each case. (2.) 93). Here was faith mixed with human frailty: they had faith in his power, that he could save them; but being asleep, they concluded he must awake before he could save them: whereas though his human nature was asleep, yet his divine nature neither slumbered nor slept. All this is a symbol of our individual lives, as well as of the history of the church.A. I stay with these words, pleading for Jesus' help. So Matthew uses their words to drive home his point that Jesus is truly unique, for He is sovereign over nature. How effectually it was done? And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. Storms in the voyage-even when sailing according to the The disciples said all these things and probably more as well. The Healing of the They did not want to drown. Lord, save us! Some scholars try to analyze the stories to determine which of these things the disciples really said, and how the report got muddled by one or more of the gospel writers. The church is tossed with tempests (Isa 54:11); it is only the upper region that enjoys a perpetual calm, this lower one is ever and anon disturbed and disturbing. Many of us have often found ourselves swamped by huge waves of apathy, terror, doubt, despair, addiction, and distraction. But what a rebuke! Whether He seem to sleep or to be awake, He is Lord of heaven and earth, Ruler and Commander of wind, sea, and land, whom all the creatures must obey.10. Who is Jesus to me? Third, the more we see the power of the Lord, both in the Bible and in the experiences of believers around us (and in our own lives), the more our confidence will grow. Mt. We're going to drown!' The third is the disciples amazement and their words about Jesus. Of the way in which sometimes He brings them into trial.Himself (perhaps) bidding them do that which is contrary to their judgments; Himself allowing their fears and scruples to appear justified for a time; Himself leaving them to do battle with the forces against them, almost in despair. Those that can lay their heads upon the pillow of a clear conscience, may sleep quietly and sweetly in a storm (Ps 4:8), as Peter, Ac 12:6. It can do no harm, and, for the present, may blow as it listeth, while He gives the trembling disciples a lesson. Luke says that one day Jesus said to His disciples, Let us go over to the other side of the lake (8:22); He fell asleep (8:23); and when the storm came up they were in great danger (8:23). II. of His righteousness; the sublimest code of morals ever proclaimed on In different Why are you so afraid? Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. This little passage is rather straightforward in its structure. Observe here, 1. Luke, who did research in writing his gospel, traced the memory of something else that was said. Chapter s 8-9. JESUS STILLS A TEMPEST It was in the evening (4:35); Jesus said, Let us pass over to the other side (4:35); there were other boats that went along side (4:36); Jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion (4:38); when Jesus rebuked the storm He said, Peace! sing. worshipped him,_ A windstorm arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. Ver. Matthew's Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom, and of the King. They were in a panic when they came to Him, not in confidence. Luke 8:22-25. A sudden and violent storm springs up, pouring water into the boat 24 And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. As had previously been pointed out to the would be disciples, those For He is not only their teacher: He This tells us about the cosmic scope of Jesuss authority. Decapolis was a When you pray you are not alone. We might remember Matthew emphasizes the way Jesus fulfills scriptural prophecies, and structures the narrative around long teaching passages interspersed with narrative sections, which especially emphasize Jesuss authority. This scene is often pictured and is a favourite for times of stress and of The prevalence of our inordinate fears in a stormy day is owing to the weakness of our faith, which would be as an anchor to the soul, and would ply the oar of prayer. The lake is in the famous rift valley, a natural fault line that runs from this region in the north down the Jordan River Valley to the Dead Sea and in fact all the way to Africa. (Note the words gave commandment in Matthew 8:18.) STILLING OF THE TEMPEST. 1. 24 And look! history. evening-there were other little ships-a great storm of wind the waves For the exposition, see the notes at Mark 4:35. 5-13 Compare Luk_7:1-10. But Matthew used a word that means of little faith while Mark says do you still have no faith? Mark did not mean to imply that the disciples had no faith at all--he has already described their following Jesus. The disciples, several of whom were experienced fishermen, were unable to bring the boat safely to shore and became fearful for their lives. Matthew continues to present Jesus as the God-man sent from heaven, as Israels Messiah, and as the long-awaited King, the Son of David. Jesus is the second Adam, as the Bible expresses it, beginning another racethe righteous seed. undoubtedly belongs to the Framework (_vide _I Let's turn to Matthew's gospel chapter eight. What is there lacking except in your faith? 8:25 So [the disciples] approached and woke Him up saying, Lord save us! He delays His help that He may try our faith and quicken our prayers. And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?(Matthew 6:25-27). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. And when he was entered into a ship. WIFE'S MOTHER AND MANY OTHERS. Verse 23. The Winds and the Waves Obey His Will (Matthew 8:23-27) Storms terrify many people. The issue of would be followers having been settled Jesus now prepares in any co Matthew 8:16. word, and healed all that were sick:_ to go to Decapolis by boat across the Sea of Galilee. Think about it. What is there really to fear? 1. He is the author of Introducing Biblical Hebrew and Grammar, Holiness to the Lord: A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus, Creation and Blessing: A Guide to the Study and Exposit More, Getting Spiritually Fit 1 ( Corinthians 9:24-27), Steps to Biblical Reconciliation (Luke 17:1-4; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21). Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. verb is superfluous. THE LEPER CLEANSED. people, they would understand and appreciate and love him more. But that is certainly what I meant, put in other words that the fellow student would understand better (he was not in the habit of listening well). Not the waves only but the lingering swell by which such waves were usually followed. Contrasts. It was only when the disciples called on Jesus that he responded. Jesus Calms the Storm. The disciples are amazed at His power (v. 27). The disciples marvel at the authority of Jesus even the elements obey Him! Behold the Gospels; but St. Mark and St. Luke place them, as we have seen, after had given them wise instruction. She arose from the bed and began to The gentle remonstrance.There is something very majestic in the tranquillity of our Lords awakening, and, if we follow Matthews order, in His addressing Himself first to the disciples weakness, and letting the storm rage on. THE STORM ON THE LAKE. Their plea is, We perish; which was, [1.] Am I of little or of great faith? In our story Jesus must have gotten into the boat in the region of Capernaum, on the north west shore, because He got out of the boat on the other side near Kursi (on the eastern shore about half way down the coast). were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits, with his A rebuke, first, to the disciples themselves. Should they not, in any case, wake Him out of His sleep? The first thing that Jesus did in response to their request was to rebuke their weak faith: O you of little faith, why are you afraid? They were right to ask Jesus to save them--and their request shows that they had faith that He could save them. He was exhausted from His ministry with the crowds, and so in the boat He was asleep during the storm. the science or art of interpretation, especially of the Scriptures. He might bring the Kingdom nearer to His people, and give them He is saying essentially the same thing that Matthew said. He never sets Of all the gospel writers Matthew is the most orderly. ENTERED INTO A CHAPTER 8 It is always good to pay close attention to the exact words of Jesus in a passage. But you can also gain a great appreciation for things like distances, temperatures, altitudes, and such by actually taking a good trip to the land of Israel. Kyrie soson, Lord, save, became a part of the liturgical language of the church. But the disciples plea Lord, save us, we are perishing! voices Matthews theology, too. The disciples were afraid of dying. How came we ever to question His power? Ye, my disciples? And here Jesus is tired and sleeping, but He has control over nature (Matt. ship where they were to suffer. _Behold, there came a leper and worshipped him._ After (2.) He shows them and us the reason for overwhelming fear as being the deficiency in our faith. In Matthews gospel, the story comes near the beginning of Jesuss ministry: after calling some not all of the disciples, and then after the Sermon on the Mount, and then after some dramatic healings of a man with leprosy, of a centurions servant, and of Peters mother-in-law. Could there, indeed, have been greater love consistent with truth? Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a dead calm. (Matthew 8:1 .) Less remarkable, perhaps, that the others wake him up. Which was got ready by his disciples, or hired by them for his use, according to the directions he had given, his disciples followed him. liturgy personal responsibility And so his wording is meant to convey that the disciples did not have enough faith. Open Matthew 8:23-27. 23 As he boarded the boat, his students followed him. 24 And look! The sea became severely agitated so the boat dipped into the waves, but he was sleeping. 25 They came and roused him saying, Lord, save us! and the ship was covered with waves. The disciples wonder at what kind of a man this was could ultimately be answered only by an understanding of the incarnation, God with us. The awaking cry of fear.The broken abruptness of their appeal reveals the urgency of the case in the experienced eyes of these fishermen. Jesus touched her hand and the fever left her. And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, Save us, Lord; we are perishing! He said to them, Why are you afraid, you men of little faith? Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm. in such a way as to learn far more both of His mercy and power; in such a way, therefore, as to reach a greater calm and deeper faith in the end; and to wonder, therefore, now as much at our former fears as we did at His slumber before. It hearkens back to what He told them recently in the Sermon on the Mount. Very effectual were its first consequences. Section 16 It is a sign of His true manhood, of His toil up to the very edge of His strength. worship, What alls here: notes, quotes, questions, and thoughts on what I read from where I read it . He replied, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?'" Where was our faith? He does not quench the dimly burning wick, but tends it and feeds it with oilby His inward gifts and by His answers to prayertill it burns up clear and smokeless, a faith without fear. And if we can go into the next story, the disciples question about who this one is will be contrasted with the demons who knew exactly who He is. This seems to be in response to the press of the crowd, and makes sense of the otherwise sudden reference to the boat in verse 23. I. disciples, or hired by them for his use, according to the directions They wake Jesus, hoping that He will do something about the storm and save them. (1.) There is the terror of the disciples and the composure of Jesus who is asleep! he calms us too, maybe not immediately but when we really need him he is That psalm describes a thunderstorm growing in the Mediterranean Sea and sweeping inland over Lebanon, causing damage to the trees and shaking the hills with an earthquake. Note. What manner of man is this? etc.David Dickson. 23 Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Talk to Jesus about the storms that are in your life today. ( after ). Observe, They call him, Lord, and then pray, Save us. When you compare stories in these three gospels, remember that the writers have the freedom to summarize the speeches or to put the sayings in their own words. 24. All this kind of material you can gather from a good dictionary. Out on the Sea of Galilee in a boat, Jesus is sleeping soundly. You see that particular mention is made of this one special case, and, commonly used for fishing on the lake. Second, our faith may be expressed in our prayers to Him, Lord, save us from any of the dangers and troubles of life that we face. 26 He replied, You of little faith! Only God has power over the natural forces of the sea. THE STORM ON THE LAKE Jesus Words. Professed disciples tested. tempest arose, We know not the way of the wind (Joh 3:8), much less can we control it; but he that bringeth forth the wind out of his treasury (Ps 135:7), when it is out, gathers it into his fists, Pr 30:4. 23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. HEALING OF THE Q. HIS DISCIPLES - Not merely 6. They seem to have needed constant experiences for their faith. CHAPTER 8 wisdom What is the storm-tossed sea that threatens my spiritual existence? The natural cosmos obeyed the voice of its Creator who spoke it into existence (Genesis 1, John 1:3, Colossians 1:16). better rendering. Christianity I would not make too much of their following Him (some folks make a spiritual point out of some common statements), because the word is used even for the crowds of unbelievers who followed Him where He went. This is part of the overall presentation of the king in these chapters as one who has the authority to do all the things that He said He came to do. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). As our evangelist is giving a collection of healing incidents, the introduction of Matthew 8:18-22, disciple interviews, and even of Matthew 8:23-27, a nature miracle, needs an explanation. Imminent and sensible dangers will drive people to him who alone can help in time of need. The King passed down from the mountain and from teaching in order that (LogOut/ Very wise was its direction. as dative after , the after this What pity was in it! Choose music to play during the daily prayer. 24 Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. Matthews just isnt the one. And, behold, there came a leper and Uniform Series In form, of course,and in effect alsothis was to them a rebuke. will experience their sorrows, and show His heart of compas 23-27 It is a comfort to those who go down to the sea in ships, and MATTHEW 8:23-34 LESSON: ASTONISHING AUTHORITY February 10, 2019 HISTORY/ INTODUCTION: 8:14-17 THE HEALING OF PETERS MOTHER-IN-LAW Jesus came to Peters house and saw that his wifes mother (Peters mother-in-law) was lying down sick with fever. This text Matthew 8:23-27 is not in the lectionary, but that doesnt mean this story is one of those things you wouldnt know about the Bible if all you knew were the lectionary. Part. of His ministry summarised as teaching and preaching and healing _Excursion to the eastern shore with its incidents_ (Mark 4:35 to Mark It is helpful also to get all the facts straight in the event before looking at the point of the story in the passage. Boat is. beat into the ship He _a ship_ Rather, THE ship or fishing-boat, i. e. the boat which Jesus When He had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Home COMMENTARY Lesson from Matthew 8:23-27? _Storm on the lake_ (Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25). LEADER OF MEN AND RULER OF NATURE 's narrative But, the circumstances of the storm on the sea terrified them and they thought they were going to drowneven though in their presence was the Son of Man. Was it want of concern? Nothing is impossible for Him. He might truly be a man, but He is also clearly the Son of Man (see Matt. The language of their fear; they looked upon their case as desperate, and gave up all for lost; they had received a sentence of death within themselves, and this they plead, We perish, if thou dost not save us; look upon us therefore with pity.. The reason for this is the account of the calling of Matthew is reported in Matthew 9:9, but it would have to have been before these events on and around the sea for the simple reason that Matthew was there. hermneutik (techn) interpretive (art) < hermneuts interpreter], Abraham Joshua Heschel The Sabbath 23. Matthew 8:23. Learn hence, That the most raging winds and outrageous seas cannot stand before the rebukes of Christ; if once he rebukes them, their rage is down; God lays a law upon the most lawless creatures, even when they seem to act the most lawlessly. The use of the word rebuke is interesting and deserves some study. He sleeps, but He never oversleeps, and there are no too-lates with Him. The Lord seems to sleep, when he permits his Church What a beautiful representation is here given of the two-fold nature Matthew 8, Wesley's Explanatory Notes, One of over 125 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, produced by John Wesley between 1754 and 1765, has stood the test of time. The 3. Though we do not know how many, at least some disciples followed Him. I. Christs sleep in the storm.His calm slumber is contrasted with the hurly-burly of the tempest and the fear of the crew. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); hermeneutics /hmnjutks/ ( CHARACTERS: Jesus, leper, centurion Matthew 8:2. Christ winnows men. As we will see, the men in the boat didnt fully catch on to who Jesus was until after He rose from the dead. Dr Ross joined the faculty of Beeson Divinity School in 2002 as Beeson Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew. The nature of their appeal, when they came to make it, was in full accord with such feelings. And when he had entered into the ship, his disciples followed him.24. part. the parables which St. Matthew gives in chapter 13 Matthew inserts this group of events here; Mark and Luke Stilling of the waves. THE STORMY SEA. hermeneutics Even though there are so many things in life that threaten our lives and cause us to fear, the more we know the Lord and His power, the less we will be afraid. The forces of nature respond with a great calm. And now the disciples are astounded, and wonder who they are dealing with, because even wind and waves listen to / pay attention to Jesus. It is easy to see how these men--some of them seasoned fishermen--would have been terrified in a storm in a boat like that. And behold, there arose a great te And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. Matthew 8:2327 demonstrates Jesus' authority over nature. Matthew 8:23-27. When he was entered into the ship Being, as is said above, about to cross the lake; his disciples followed him Even as many as were desirous of learning of him, and could get a passage, either in that vessel or any others that were near. Change). I ask God for the grace to face death peacefully, whether it be close at hand or far in the future. Does being in the boat with a sleeping Jesus resonate in any way with situations in my own life? Masters orders. Now. (Matthew 8:23-27 KJV). ship they were about to be sunk by a storm. He does not chide them for disturbing him with their prayers, but for disturbing themselves with their fears. One would have expected, that having Christ with them, they should have had a very favourable gale, but it is quite otherwise; for Christ would show that they who are passing with him over the ocean of this world to the other side, must expect storms by the way. THE STILLING OF THE TEMPEST (Mark 4:35; Luke 8:22). If we assume every sozo means being saved from hell to heaven, we are liable to misread the Bible. 3. When Jesus calmed the storm, then, He was demonstrating that He has the power of heaven at His command. See his absolute dominion over all the creatures, which bespeaks both his honour, and the happiness of those that have him on their side. Fear is irrational if we can exercise faith. Let the sinners in Zion be afraid, let heathen mariners tremble in a storm, but you shall not be so. On the part of the disciples there was an agitated appeal. This text Matthew 8:23-27 is not in the lectionary, but that doesnt mean this story is one of those things you wouldnt know about the Bible if all you knew were the lectionary. The story as told in Mark is the lectionarys gospel reading for the fourth Sunday after Pentecost year B (that is, in a couple of weeks). _ And yet despite this miraculous calming of the storm those disciples could at times still be as faith-less as they had been in that boat beforehand. A stillness more than the stillness of peace, though doubtless, in their circumstances, that would be blessed and deep. In these nature miracles, though, Jesus was demonstrating what God had intended for humans to be. Here we can simply note that it was Jesus who got into the boat (to escape the crowds) and the disciples followed Him. The voyage which followed was characterised by two principal features. But that does not make much sense, for these seasoned sailors thought they were going to drown right up to the moment that Jesus calmed the storm. 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