chambering to IWIs bullpup lineup, it builds on the experience gained with the original Tavor rifles, resulting in a highly refined and original design in its own right. iy_2023; im_01; id_18; ih_13; imh_57; i_epoch:1674079028240, py_2021; pm_05; pd_24; ph_06; pmh_52; p_epoch:1621864378889, bec-built-in; bec-built-in_1.0.1; bodystr, pn_tstr:Wed Jan 18 13:57:08 PST 2023; pn_epoch:1674079028240, Fully rifled, bolt-action slug gun designed for 2 & 3 shells, Rugged synthetic stock with improved ergonomics and AccuStock, AccuFit technology with adjustable length-of-pull and comb height, Here are the new year's top models. The slug that worked the best in my wife's 20 gauge with Carlson's rifled choke tube were the no longer made Remington Buckhammer slugs. In the spirit of the fast and easy-to-carry scout-style rifle, Franchi has announced it will offer its three-lug bolt-action Momentum rifle with features that reduce its bulk while increasing the guns utility. These loads provide accuracy and power at an affordable price. The polymer tip fills the hollow point to initiate expansion without the need for tissue to fill the cavity. JavaScript is disabled. That's all I am allowed to shoot for the Black Bear hunt on JBER starting the 15th this month. This 20 gauge shotgun for deer hunting is built like a rifle with features including the user-adjustable AccuTrigger system I'm undecided on the two rounds. How much does a sabot slug drop at 100 yards? I'm using a Savage 210 rifled slug gun. The sabot drops from the projectile as soon as it leaves the confines of the barrel. They can give you load data as well. However with some sabot slugs, they are getting 3/4" and 7/8" and 1" three shot groups at 100 yards with special sabot ammo, and special fully rifled barrels, and quality scopes. They sure did kick though! Its common knowledge that rifled slugs are meant for use in smoothbore shotgun barrels, while rifled shotgun barrels and rifled choke tubes are meant to produce better results (meaning better accuracy) with sabot slugs, whose smooth outer surface can better engage the barrels rifling. Used to hunt southern Michigan in the shotgun zone . I haven't found anything that compares to the Lyman 525 home made slugs, and sure beats the cost of factory sabot slugs. That is something the gun will determine . Originally designed with marshes in mind, the synthetic stock will shrug off wet weather and is dimpled for a sure grip. Trophy Bonded Tip 338 Win MagnumTrophy Bonded Tip 338 Win Magnum, Gold Medal Sierra MatchKing 223 Remington, Safari Trophy Bonded Bear Claw 458 Win Magnum, Accurate slug performance at an affordable price, Hollow-point projectile offers maximum terminal performance. And if your gun likes it better, even better! Is the Hornady SST a good hunting bullet? Federal TruBall slugs are often one of the more accurate slugs out of smooth bore barrels. They can be a little fickle with ammo selection; and youll want to put a few varieties of slugs through to find what it likes best. The polymer tip also helps the slug expand reliably at long range. At standard shotgun distances with open sights, I doubt you'll be able to tell the difference. Ran out of 450 BM ammo. The current technological leader, the Tipped Barnes Expander, was introduced in 12 gauge in 2007, and Federal expedited the trickle-down process to the 20 gauge in the same year. Eventually, Fitz would tackle other gauges, and soon built the 20 by which all others should be judged. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Pete How far should you shoot a deer with a slug? The single shot weighs only 5.8 pounds in 20 gauge, making it a dream to carry on all day drives or still hunts. The tipped slug actually has almost double the Foster slugs retained energy at that distance, 1,212 ft.-lbs. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both. POI was about 2.5" higher than Hornady 250gr Custom from my Savage bolt action with 20" barrel. The heavy outer jacket is mechanically bonded to the inner bullet. Still good enough for deer hunting but not quite as tight of groups. Sports Fans - Teams, Tourneys, Races, and Games. The latest crop of cams is one of the best in years, including one unit that claims eliminate false triggers. NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum | New Study Touts Impact of Hunting and Shooting Access on National R3 Movement, NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum | Why Due Diligence Is Critical When Booking an Overseas Hunt, Beretta Px4 Storm: The Wiley Clapp Review | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Hardware: Tract TORIC UHD 30mm FFP Hunting Rifle Scope | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Review: Infinity Targets For Action Shooting | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Hardware: Leica Geovid Pro 32 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Video Review: Springfield Armory XD-M Elite 4.5 OSP in 10mm Auto | NRA Family, Springfield Armory XD-M Elite 4.5 OSP In 10 mm Auto, Video Review: KelTec P15 Semi-Auto Pistol | NRA Family, Video Review: Savage Stance Pistol | NRA Family, New For 2022: Savage Arms 1911 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, NRA Women | New for 2022: 20-Gauge Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus, Preview: Springfield Armory 1911 DS Double-Stack 9 mm Pistol Lineup | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. | What the difference between a sabot slug and rifled slug? The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, Upland Game hunting, Dogs and dog training, Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. We have updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as of May 5th, 2020. Federal claims the are also suitable for use in rifled chokes and rifled barrels as well. By 1994, the RSG, or Rifled Slug Gun, was delivering 1-inch groups at 100 yards. JavaScript is disabled. Google "CSS sabots", they have all the componets and loading data except the roll crimper. The problem with most slug guns is that they have a shotgun trigger. This makes the 220 is more accurate than a factory slug gun should be; Ive put five Lightfields inside an inch at 100 yards with mine and it will shoot minute of deer way further than Id ever poke at a living creature. These are for use only in fully rifled barrels. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The outer jacket was shredded with the largest piece weighing 88.3 grains. It struck the rocks outside the container hard enough to slightly deform the bullet. Winchester was one of the early pioneers in the concept of sabot slugs. Any well placed slug, 20 or 12 gauge, is going to be devastating on a hog sized animal. If they show up with one box of one particular brand of slugs I tell them they might get lucky but most likely they are pissing in the wind. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The Lyman slug is designed to work with any 20 gauge wad that is appropriate for its weight and the type of hull that you choose. While the copper sabots are very accurate, I am losing nearly 400 fps at the muzzle compared to lead rounds. Good luck with your search. Redefine slug accuracy with the refreshed Savage 220. The expanded diameter was 0.60 inches. When I first got my 450 American the Remington bullet is all they had at the time and I wanted to sight the gun in the next day so bought them . The Hornady 2 3/4-inch, 20-gauge SST Sabot Slug ammunition uses the same .50-cal., 300-grain SST bullet loaded in the firms .500 S&W Mag. Description. The most consistently accurate I've owned have been the Benelli's and the Savage 220F. You can also purchase additional barrelseven muzzleloading onesto extend the usefulness of the Encore through a variety of seasons. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The company would later produce the Encore, a beefed up version of the break action receiver, better suited to the punishing recoil of magnum rifle rounds. Its retained weight was 274.9 grains. The Tavor 7 not only adds a harder-hitting, .30-cal. Which I find very impressive. wouldn't gasses going past a non-sabot rifled slug in a smoothbore barrel work against you? In both 12 gauge and the 20 gauge cartridges, Hornady SST Shotgun Slugs deliver sub-2" groups at 100 yards and feature the flattest trajectory on the market. Sabots and rifled barrels are very unpredictable where as almost any improved cylinder smooth bore will shoot Winchester Super X or Federal forster slugs at least well enough to hunt with to 100 yards. An Ultra Slug Hunter in 20 gauge, combined with Hastings slugs, just might be the most accurate slug gun/sabot combo currently available. I've found that shooting sabot slugs is kind of like finding the right muzzle loader bullet to use in a particular muzzle loader. How far can you shoot a deer with a 20-gauge shotgun? As a result, I've shot a fair number of both deer and hogs with shotgun slugs, mostly out of a 12 gauge with a rifled barrel. JavaScript is disabled. Devastingly accurate, these sabots seal up against the rifling in your muzzleloader to help deliver the highest velocity, flattest trajectory performance on the market. The ballistic coefficient of the 20-gauge, tipped slug is .205, yet the Barnes hollow point is .185. The addition of a rifled barrel in 1988 gave a boost in accuracy, but the rest of the gun remained unchanged. The inner jacket works with the bonded lead core and forms six additional segments at a controlled rate, resulting in a mushroom that is 1.5 times larger than the original bullet diameter. The main reason for the tip is to improve external ballistics over the hollow-point Barnes Expander. what's the most accurate slugs for savage 220 slug gun meatcleaver May 28, 2017 None M meatcleaver meatcleaver May 28, 2017 #1 I'm looking for the most accurate The barrel breaks easily by sliding your trigger finger past the trigger guard, a task that can be accomplished with equal ease with either hand. What is the effective range of a 20 gauge sabot slug? Its pretty easy to tote, at only 6.5 pounds. Water: The jacket and core separated. Regardless that it's keyholing, it's still on target, and still going to go into a deer at a fatal rate of velocity. That's what I would go with. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. Savage solved this by putting its excellent AccuTrigger into the 220, giving shotgun hunters user-adjustable pull weights all the way down to about a pound and a half. IM seems pretty constricted for firing a slug through it, I would think something more open would work better. The CVA Hunter 20-gauge is one of the best bargains in a slug gun. CVA The Ultra Light Slug Hunter in 20 gauge was the gun of choice for hunters looking for an inexpensive and accurate slugster, but I havent been able to find one in stock for years despite still appearing on Harrington & Richardsons site. Remingtons flagship slug is the Premiere AccuTip. Ithaca claims four-inch groups at 200 yards, due in large part to the excellent rifled barrel and trigger that breaks around five pounds. The regular 2 3/4 Remington slugger will kill a hog deader than disco at normal slug distances. Legendary accuracy comes at a price, and the RSG-20 Mountaineer starts at $3,495. Your typical 1.25-oz slug will get you about 3100 ft-lb of muzzle energy out of an 18 defense shotgun barrel. Get the best quality shotgun ammo to keep your shooting strong. Ran out of 450 BM ammo. about 200 yards POI was about 2.5" higher than Hornady 250gr Custom from my Savage bolt action with 20" barrel. Both of those responses are jacketed sabots which wont work in your barrel. I've always gad good luck with plain old Federal foster type slugs in my smoothbores but every gun is different. The measured weight of the unfired slug with tip was 278.9 grains With the weight of the lost plastic tip, this was 100 percent weight retention. out of my Benelli. Hi I live in Florida where we have a serious pig infestation and I have a 20 gauge shotgun I use for skeet and I was wanting to do some hunting with it and was wondering what is the best rifled slugs for pig hunting also you experience hunting boar and dear with a 20. For me, the Barnes Expander 2.75 is the Just like 22 rifles each will have it's own taste and favor one ammo over the rest and it's anybody's guess which ammo that will be. Measuring only the undamaged portion, the bullet was 0.684 inches. The larger version of the Barnes Expander used in a sabot slug configuration has proven to be extremely accurate. The fully rifled barrel is fitted with iron sights, and the receiver is drilled and tapped so you can easily add the optics of your choice. Unmatched Long Range Accuracy The SST Shotgun Slug delivers true 200 yard accuracy and youll achieve sub-2 groups at 100 yards. The Barnes slug expands to almost double its diameter with six petals. Hunters don't have to make excuses for shooting at birds that are too close. There are two major types of shotgun slugs: rifled and sabot. Google Slug-R-Us and try their SPW if you want to replicate Lightfield. Skip to main content Skip to footer content. Perma-Gel: At 23 inches, this bullet penetrated the deepest. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The retained weight is 259.9 grains. whats a good system for first time buyer with some reloading experience? Again, the slug was flattened out so it was wider than it was long. Not sure what slug that is currently in production that would be the most similar to the Buckhammers but that design sure liked the smoothbore/rifled choke tube combo. Youth sizes are also available, making the 500 an excellent choice for a first shotgun that can be used all season long. versus 656 ft.-lbs. I never used saboted slugs but the process I used for finding the slug for my shotgun should be the same. The rest was in small pieces. Product Details. $ 10.99. I remember reading because of their shape, sabot slugs sometimes break in the middle after encountering large bones, ya got me. barrels with grooves and lands, just like what modern rifles and handguns have. Rifled slugs are designed for shotguns with smoothbore barrels. Winchester XP3s and Hornady SSTs are quite accurate, as are Federals new Trophy Copper slugs. The opinions expressed in this post are those of the author, DrScaryGuy. i.e. In fact, even average-quality sabot slugs fired through a rifled barrel can reliably accomplish 3-inch groups at 100 yards and 6-inch groups at 200 yards! A .308 out of the same length barrel will get you about 2900 at the muzzle. Federal seemed the most accurate and I had no problem hitting anything out to 120 yards with Foster slugs. He took his benchrest experience and turned it to shotguns when a fully rifled 12-gauge barrel became commercially available. Benelli created a downsized version of the M2 some years ago giving sub-gauge shotgunners access to the inertia system that has made the Italian autoloaders so popular. Power-Shok Sabot Slug 20 Gauge. Rifled slugs are designed for shotguns with smoothbore barrels. The measured weight of an unfired bullet with tip was 250.8 grains. The Florida-based firm Diamondback Firearms announced the Sidekick Birdshead for 2023, a trim version of its nine-shot convertible revolver. No Federal, but I do have Hornady and Lightfield hulls, also some Remingtons now. Published Apr 2, 2021 9:14 AM. Remington's were the worst but that was a liability issue as they were the smallest diameter. No other slug gun ammo can come close to the performance of the SST. A picture is worth a thousand words here is a Barnes Expander in 1 ounce 2 3/4 that came out of one of my deer this year, not only are they very accurate out of my gun but they leave one heck of a exit hole as well. Get a box each of selection slugs a n.v d see what yours likes. As a bonus, the guns that fire them are lighter, which makes long hikes to the stand more pleasant. Joseph Albaneses first career was in wildlife management, a profession that took him from the shadow of the Statue of Liberty to the Alaskan Bush and back again. Federal PowerShok sabot slugs offer affordable sabot and rifled slug options in a variety of gauges. Great on the range at 100 yards and great reviews. i plan on loading 8ga to .410 slugs to #9, steel to 18.5g/cc tungsten. It was Remington..not sure if that is still true. Has anybody tried round balls?? Water: The slug was found on the bottom of the water container, so it was difficult to tell how much penetration was achieved. He discussed the bullets center of pressure and the benefits of adding drag, despite the more common approach of trying to eliminate it. It takes a little futzing to find what it likes but once you do you're golden. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tackle, tips, tricks, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, reviews, reports, accessories, classifieds, and more! They're my personal favorite when it The Remington Copper Sabot slugs drive tacks out to 75 yards then fall off at 100 yards. He spent several years as a freelance writer before joining the Field & Stream staff as the gear editor in 2021. Yes, I have used those for many years. A muzzle brake and a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad absorb some of the kick, but at about 7.5 pounds theres not much. Watch what happens when you shoot a sabot slug out of a smooth bore shotgun. Is organic formula better than regular formula. Designed to be shot from a rifled barrel, the sabot slug is accurate out to about 200 yards from a gun thats built to promote accuracy: with a scope, a tight action, and a bedded stock. Add to cart. I can always get Remington slugs to shoot. At Sportsman's Warehouse, we offer a full array of shotgun ammunition including shotgun Since most 20-ga slug loads are formulated with 350 gr slugs and run well up on the pressure scale, you will probably be far in excess of the design parameters for the "generic" shell and the SAAMI specs for a 20-gauge. slug encased in a two-piece sabot. Took my foe in IL with them this year. The mold is between 70-85.00 and the handles are 30.00+ dollars. These days most of the major shotshell manufacturers also offer sabot slug loads for 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. This bullet remained intact. I have shot a hundred other smooth bore slug guns that kept them inside of 6 inches and a few that would not hit a 5 gallon bucket with anything! Copyright 2000-2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I have a Carlsons rifled choke i can put in the gun too. Thanks for supporting me on Patreon: Tabletop review of this revolutionary bolt-action shotgun. For less than $500 you can pick up a 20 gauge with both a rifled slug barrel and a smoothbore to handle bird duty. I have two smooth bore imp cylinder guns that will shoot 2 inch groups at 100 with the cheap Winchester Super X 1 oz slugs. According to my calculations that would have an impact velocity of about 1,415 fps, which is about 314 fps slower than the impact velocity of my tests. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Some folks call them hermaphrodites while others swear Sign up for the Field & Stream newsletter and get the latest intelligence straight to your inbox. Make no mistake, big holes are what shooting deer with slugs is all about. It is a lead-alloy core wrapped in a thin, gilding-metal jacket and topped with a soft, flexible tip. I have had mixed results with rifled choke tubes. I have no experience with 20 gauge, but in a 12 gauge smoothbore (cylinder choked) the Fiocchi Aero Slug Low Recoil gave excellent results. Compared to the Foster load, there is almost 11-inches less bullet drop with the tipped slug and 556 ft.-lbs. There are two major types of shotgun slugs: rifled and sabot. I bought my wife a 20 Gauge Remington 1187. I hunted deer down in Indiana for 8 years shotgun only, and found the best ammo out of my slug gun was the Hornady 12 gauge SST 300gr FTX. Most would shoot less than 2" 3 shot groups @ 100 yards with sabot slugs. Buy whatever is cheapest for hogs. I like that in a deer slug. I have no idea, but if you have a rifled slug barrel are they individuals as to what projectile they like in the same way rifle barrels are? A forum community dedicated to hunting and fishing enthusiasts in the Michigan area. I shoot Federal 3" 1 1/4 oz. The 220 is a bargain at only $569. 1.07K subscribers. How accurate is a 20-gauge slug? Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretence by a state legislature. $27.99 Currently Unavailable Grain Weight: 260; Muzzle Velocity: 1900; Bullet Style: Sabot Slug; Type: Lead; Package Quantity: 5; Usage: Big Game; Compare. A number of guys were having success with these out past 150. The retained weight was 216.8 grains, and the expanded diameter was 0.77 inches. of energy at 150 yards and slightly less bullet drop (under an inch). Redefine slug accuracy with the refreshed Savage 220 Slug Gun. This slug looks like it should be fired from a Starship Phaser instead of a shotgun. Every guns shoots slugs differently. Connecticut Valley Arms is looking to fill that hole in the market with their CVA Hunter, carrying a suggested retail price of only $260. factory loads. I have been sighting in slug guns for Iowa deer hunters for 40 years. You will have to pony up the dough and buy a bunch of different slugs and go to the range. The bottom line is that it is supposed to make the slug more accurate. To shoot a non rifled slug you need a rifled barrel or rifled choke to shoot them. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Benelli created a downsized version of the M2, both a rifled slug barrel and a smoothbore. I limit my shot to just over 100 yrds cuz these are like flying bricks. After shooting slugs for over 20 years, Ive found that each gun/barrel are sensitive for accuracy pending on the slug you use. I use Remington Accu-tip , sabots however, for my 20 gauge. I have been toying with sighting in one barrel of a SXS for slugs. Shaw heavy wall stainless steel barrel, with a Jewell trigger that breaks at a scant 2 pounds. Switched to Hornady this year and the deer I shot didn't far and had good blood , but I've been hearing some bad results with the Hornady. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. However, this was skewed a bit by the distortion of the bullet hitting the bottom. I have a Savage 220 that I'd like to reload for and haven't found (a) good resource(s) for instructions and recommendations for reloading 20 gauge sabot slugs. PLEASE..PLEASEThis not about hunting. It offers an oversized bolt handle and a tough synthetic stock. A rail rides the heavy contour 24-inch barrel for your optic of choice; no sights are included. Welcome to HT! The 500 has been around for over 50 years, with over 10 million rolling off the assembly line. The 7-pound, 2-ounce gun relegated the 210 to the shadows. Shop today! They have changed the definition of 20-gauge shotgun slugs from compromise to the leading edge of slug gun performance.. It appeared to me that the slug broke up and might not be such a good round for bears. This was all they had at Gander Outdoors in Flint. For greater accuracy, Ithaca ditched the removable barrel design typical of shotguns in favor of a free-floating barrel that threaded into the receiver to provide secure lock-up when the bolt was brought into battery. I load 5 sabot slugs for about 3.75. And before it is askedYes,.I do have a high quality fully rifled barrel. One very impressive group measured 0.90 inches. Perma-Gel: The slug penetrated 21 inches. You are using an out of date browser. But despite the low price point, the Hunter offers plenty of accuracy. The 220F, with a fast rifling twist rate, Accu-Trigger system and detachable polymer magazine, set new standards for accuracy and took the slug shooting world by storm. The Barnes punches a very big hole and almost always exits out the other side. It actually punched a small hole in the bottom and there was some plastic imbedded in the bullet. Thanks just saw your post thanks for you Commentary and you dont think I need a vary high power slug for pigs, Your comment was vary helpful I was also wondering Where should I shoot the pig, Ive hunted with slugs for more than 20 years. This ensures more reliable expansion by eliminating the variables of an open hollow point. You will not get five different manufactures to impact in the same point. The measured weight of an unfired bullet was 259.2 grains. The slugs jacket is made from the distinctively colored cartridge brass rather than the more common gilding metal or copper, and the lead core is bonded to that jacket. Winchester was one of the early pioneers in the concept of sabot slugs. I repeated the test in Perma-Gel with almost identical results. In 1996, the platform was completely revamped with the introduction of the Deer Slayer II. noweil said: Federal TruBall slugs are often one of the more accurate slugs out of smooth bore barrels. The outer jacket weighed 102.8 grains and had an expanded diameter of 0.822 inches, while the inner core and jacket were 0.725 inches in length. Back in 1991, it was the first big-name company to offer a wasp-waisted 50-cal. Its hard to have a conversation about slug guns and not mention Ithaca. The only downside was the weight, tipping the scales around 12 pounds. greater energy at 150 yards. Other notable features of the 220 is the one-piece rail that allows for solid scope mounting and the detachable box magazine. The rifled barrel features a cantilever mount so zero wont be affected every time you take it off. You will have to buy the 20 gauge roll crimper from Ballistic Products. Projectile as soon as it leaves the confines of the M2, both a rifled gun! Us to share in the shotgun zone our website lead-alloy core wrapped in a slug through it, have... Is to improve external ballistics over the hollow-point Barnes Expander used in thin. 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