Patient safety (Affonso et al., 2007; Manojlovich, Barnsteiner, Bolton, Disch, & Saint, 2008) and the adoption of evidence-based practice, for example, have triggered changes that transformed the culture of how and by whom health care is delivered. The research team made a contribution to the field by making salient the significance of metaphors that enrich group dynamics in qualitative research. These cultural shifts are underscored by reforms in health disciplines in Europe and are particularly evident in nursing within recent professional educational directives (Lahtinen, Leino-Kilpi, & Salminen, 2014). Bread normally accompanies the meal. student. The inclusion of three generational levels of nurses (ranging from young students, novices, experienced clinical nurses, and seasoned head nurses) provided a broad lens through which to examine the meaning of change. 3. When nurses are knowledgeable about the cultural practices, values, and beliefs of their patients, they are better able to understand and address . (Kittler et al., 2017), When counseling someone from the Italian culture there are a few things to keep in mind. To ensure transferability, the researchers re-examined the database from their different point of views and cultures to delineate relationships among the various prompts for a broader scope and global comprehension of the contextualized information. Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a student and not our expert nursing writers. (Lyn & Killian, 2010) Parenting styles vary within the different regions in Italy, but in general, most parents take a casual approach to discipline. Culturally Competent Family Therapy: A General Model. Food and culture (7th ed.). In this regard, IPASVIs annual national conferences and biennial international congresses will feature the metaphors, specific to their implications for innovations in patient care. Study participants included a cross-section of nurses between 22 and 65 years of age (mean of 42.1 years), with varying levels of education and clinical experience. Ariel, S. (1999). Vortex described the turbulent changes and transitions associated with the cultural evolution of nursing as a health profession. Nurses are in a vortex where the only objective is to come to the end of the shift and then come out from that vortex. This essay on Italian Culturally Competent Nursing Care was written and submitted by your fellow The analysis is based on Leinin Culture of Silence: Talking About Death and Terminal Illness. Furthermore, these metaphors shed insights into understanding system changes, such as that of the Italian health care system. A belief that fresh air is connected to ones well-being as well. We sought to understand the ongoing evolution of the nursing profession and the changes that were central to it becoming an intellectual discipline on par with the other health professions in Italy. Clinical nurse leaders, community nurses in Rome, and the undergraduate students at Istituto Dermopatico dellImmacolata school of nursing are also recognized for their important contributions to the project. A Delphi survey of Health Education System and Interprofessional nurse' role,. Culturally Competent Practices, Culturally Competent Care: A Hmong Child and Her American Doctors, Culturally Competent Nursing Care for Older Patients, Culturally Competent Care in Indian Health Service, Competent Care: Filipino Cultural Assessment Model, Economics Forces for Non-Profit Nursing Homes: Demand and Supply, Intimate Partner Violence: Increasing Nurses' Knowledge and Skills. 4.4/5 on (2021) 'Italian Culturally Competent Nursing Care'. What are risks associated with nursings cultural change? 2. The vortex metaphor disclosed powerful images of conflict and struggle as encountered by nurses, particularly among clinical nurses at the hospital level, and by nurse leaders. Undergirding these paradigm shifts are efforts to understand the nature of professional culture and culture change in health care systems and organizations. We utilize security vendors that protect and I would make sure that my body language shows that I care about their well-being. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. In fact, nursing education was not completely autonomous in the Italian universities, as expressed below. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: Culture is one of the most important determining factors in healthcare preferences and practices. . 1 September. In this study, focus groupsinvolving 66 nurse participants from various educational, clinical, and administrative backgroundswere utilized to better ascertain how the profession has changed. Although study findings were specific to nursing, the six themes, particularly the metaphors, were relevant to implicating evolutionary changes within other disciplines undergoing cultural shifts in their practice and identity. Community Nursing, Physiology, General Pathology, Intensive care, Healthcare Management, Healthcare Law, and many more. Prompt questions to stimulate group discussion were as follows: Focus groups were 60 to 90 min in duration, facilitated by an Italian nurse investigator (fourth author), and conducted in Italian. Recognizing that there has been a lack of systematic studies to understand and document the impact educational and policy reforms have had on nurses and on current practice, we sought to explore nurses perceptions of their own professional growth and/or evolution as well as critical reforms that affected the culture of nursing as a health discipline. These included coraggio (Italian semantics, meaning courage), signifying nurses resilience and fortitude to traverse negative forces; investment in nursing infrastructure development; and paradoxical dilemmas permeating changes in Italian nursing culture. This entails that a conversational style that is "animated, warm, and expressive" (Kittler et al., 2017) should be used. (Kittler, Sucher & Nahikian-Nelms, 2017), After immigration the Roman catholic Church is viewed at differently and is found in separate parishes (Kittler et al., 2016). Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces. Young women There is social/peer pressure from outside the Italian community for young women to be slim. Their mission statement is Through TOSs (The Obesity Society) unique position, lead the charge in advancing the science-based understanding of the causes, consequences, prevention and treatment of obesity ( Kittler, P. G., Sucher, K. P., & Nahikian-Nelms, M. (2017). Sholom's Culture Of Care, Compassion, & CommunitySholom, in partnership with our communitySee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Specifically, we leveraged the distinctive Italian style of focus group discussion (FGD), whereby metaphors are frequently used to communicate meaning and passion about a given topic (Carpenter, 2008; Sandelowski, 1998). Elo S., Kriinen M., Kanste O., Plkki T., Utriainen K., Kyngs H. (2014). .Skela-Savi B. The aim of this study is to validate in Italian the "Nurse Cultural Competence Scale" (NCCS), an assessment tool which measures the cultural competence level of nursing staff. What consequences are there for the future of the nursing profession in Italy if the current change did not happen? It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. This essay should not be treated as an authoritative source of information when forming medical opinions as information may be inaccurate or out-of-date. I want to say theres a contradiction that a real sense of nursing is lacking in our nursing science. Six themes, three of them metaphorsvortex, leopard spots, and deductive jungleexplain nurses experiences of professional change in Italy between 2001 and 2011 and the multiple dimensions that characterize their professional identity and autonomy. For Italian nursing students, the experience with dying patients is formative. As part of its work, IPASVI-CoE seeks to identify and mitigate challenges that could potentially destabilize ongoing efforts to elevate the identity of nursing as a self-regulated health profession. Based on a prior patient safety study, in which a metaphor of landmines in health care landscape (Affonso et al., 2007) independently arose via group discussion, we learned that Italian nurses preferred using metaphors during group discussions to capture the complexities of their clinical experiences. Your privacy is extremely important to us. This trans-formation is most evident in the higher status of the nursing profession country-wide. Bryson, J., & Hosken, C. (2005). Students do not feel adequately prepared to deal with end-of-life care. Lack of consciousness of these anxieties amongst the concentrated care nurses may outline in some confuses, based upon language barrier. For example, changes in the culture of Italian medicine focus on physicians becoming more flexible in their power and control of health care via collaboration and partnership with other health professions as well as their patients. Families may want to take dying member home to care for. As I know it they have close families, great food, great food traditions, and a positive view of life. It is found that the Italians have a high intake of carbohydrates, low intake of fat with a high intake of monounsaturated fats compared to saturated fats. Hospitalized people and their families are undergoing abundant strains., IvyPanda. This limitation, however, enabled two strengths of the study. Governments around the world have set out an agenda to realize an unprecedented shift in the delivery of health care. (Kittler et al., 2017), Stews, baked dishes, roasted meats, grilled meats, and pan fried food items are popular cooking methods. Metaphors in qualitative research: Shedding light or casting shadows? Nursing education in the European higher education areaVariations in implementation. Coraggio connotes the complexities and intricacies that underscore the difficulties a person experiences when he or she finds himself or herself in hard and threatening situations. Three other themes highlighted the complexity of Italian nurses experiences. As Italian culture differs greatly to that of Australian culture, their beliefs and attitudes towards healthand the way they approach treatment can be very diverse and they may need additional community resources to help them access appropriate care and understand the services available to them. Why? Traditional cures are often used for instance lemon for colds and flu, garlic for high blood pressure, and canarino, an herbal teach by boiling a few bay leaves together with some lemon rind, to treat a stomach ache. This certainty is particularly true in critical care components, where patients with life-threatening diseases are cured. I enjoyed this cultural analysis because I got to research and learn about someone elses culture in-depth and determine a way that I would be able to counsel them. These included (a) critical processes (to build, manage, and sustain changes), (b) resources (including physical and intellectual capacity and funding), (c) multi-level supports including intra and intercollaborations (involving other disciplines), (d) cross-sector partnerships including the Italian Ministries of Health and Education, and (e) active community supports. Italian moms are known for their warm, involved mothering, which can border on over protectiveness. Nurses still suffered from a lack of recognition and low levels of autonomy and responsibility. 1Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, Rome, Italy, The Evolution of Professional Nursing Culture in Italy. Study authors delineated the characteristics, meanings, and challenges that Italian nurses experienced in their changing culture as a health profession. This is exemplified by several quotes of clinical nurses and nurse directors: We are seeking nursing autonomy for a better and more meaningful image of Italian nursing. We need to have modern models to increase our motivation and better manage the changes upon us. We strive for professionalism; its beginning now in Italy. The questions used to stimulate group discussion were likely too numerous; this precluded a fuller in-depth discussion, which was the goal of conducting focus groups. The Obesity Society is a great public health program for the Italian American culture as obesity shows up in 45% of women and 66% of men throughout the culture. Focus groups utilized many descriptors to characterize the range of emotional turmoil and, at times, instability and fear experienced by and perceived by nursing professionals. This whole "cultural needs" is an ancient nursing concept that needs to just go away. This continues the deductive jungle. The grant just covered the cost of meetings; none of the authors received any money. Therefore, Italians get more outgoing when they come into contact with members of their ethnic group. Metaphor is used as a primary vehicle to enhance understanding of the scientific and artistic approaches investigating a phenomenon (Kinn, Holgersen, Ekeland, & Davidson, 2013; Sharoff, 2013). In contrast, cultural reforms for Italian nursing are largely compelled through public laws, which are enacted by the Italian Ministry of Health. "Italian Culturally Competent Nursing Care." A thematic and inductive content analytical approach (Elo & Kyngs, 2008; Graneheim & Lundman, 2004; Hsieh & Shannon, 2005) helped to derive and interpret both manifest and latent content (Lipscomb, 2012) of the transcribed group discussions. Culture encompasses all aspects of people's life, including their social interaction as transferred from one generation to another. Beliefs and Health Practices Italians often complain of all of their symptoms and require an immediate medical response. The Italian culture will benefit from this by the goals of lowering obesity and other chronic conditions such as diabetes. Then a wet course would be served such a soup or a dry course such as pasta (Kittler et al., 2017). Nurses described the evolutionary process, using terms such as searching for meaningfulness; striving to manage changes at all levels of physical, psychosocial, ethical and legal ramifications; hoping for new standards of practice congruent with international nursing protocols; and struggling with autonomy to evoke a new image of professional nursing in Italy. . Judging by the salaries of nurses globally - if you plan to work as a nurse - Italy is one of the best countries to do so. Reflections and decision making emerged via investigative team discussions (face-to-face and by Skype) to increase credibility of the interpreted data. The program is designed for students to receive three credits in undergraduate NURS 4126 (nursing core . important in Italian culture to set aside time for leisure. We are doing very little to control classes of head nurses.. Otherwise, why be a nurse? The sample included a wide range of nurses from the students of undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programs to hospital-based and community nurses, nurse directors, and nurse educators/scholars. Eight focus groups were convened in different regions of Italy with the majority held in Rome between December 2012 and July 2013. As a result of a series of week-long face-to-face meetings and critical analyses of data sets, the team reached consensus on inductively derived themes and decided to use the semantics and vernacular elucidated by nurse participants in articulating the themes. The need for transcultural nursing is undeniable. Italian translators, fluent in English, transcribed the FGDs under the supervision of the first author. (Kittler et al., 2017), Still based on being self-reliant and upholding their families honor an Italian immigrant in the U.S. might view the world the same way, but it is all about the individual person. Education and experience can model and transform students' attitudes. Although emotional tensions, particularly anxiety and fears relative to change, have been reported in the literature (Jensen & Lidell, 2009; Khalili, Hall, & DeLuca, 2014; Lachman, 2007; Lindh, Barbosa da Silva, Berg, & Severinsson, 2010), Italian nurses brought new insights regarding how emotional turmoil experienced in the most difficult of times related to their Italian value of coraggio was used to advance professional development and innovative patient care. In appreciation of this context, Italian nurses expressed concern over the lack of attention to the nursepatient relationship because of clinical variables such as heavy workloads, scarcity of health care support staff, and the burden of a fixed list of work tasks.. IvyPanda. Noteworthy, partnerships between IPASVI, the Italian Ministries of Health and that of Education, and other key nursing organizations were discussed as future possibilities based on strong relational commitments. The food alone is warm and comforting. Though older immigrants fear that drafts (Kittler et al., 2017), hidden emotions and the supernatural might be the cause of illness. Camerino D., Estryn-Bhar M., Conway P. M., van Der Heijden B. I., Hasselhorn H. M. (2008). Since coraggio is [one of] our deep Italian values, it has to be in our ethical code in our professional identity. Nursing Shortage: As Serious As It Is Publicized. We will write a custom Essay on Italian Culturally Competent Nursing Care specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. They expressed awareness and also concern that other resources were urgently needed to sustain the IPASVI-CoEs infrastructure: IPASVI-CoE is the rock of salvation for nurses in Italy; it [is] the major support system to promote professionalism of nursing in Italy. Another participant noted that IPASVI-CoE gives opportunity for us to reflect practice, talk of changes, and have a path to a better future in nursing. Moreover, nurse directors added. For dietary restrictions I would carefully educate and motivate the client to make healthier choices and if they interfere with their normal social activities. Retrieved August 4, 2019, from Keep steady eye contact and listen to all that they are concerned about health wise. The lack of professional autonomy (hln & Segesten, 1998; ten Hoeve, Jansen, G., & Roodbol, 2013) was associated with limitations in independent clinical decision-making processes (Traynor, Boland, & Buus, 2010a, 2010b). Other statutory changes solidified the elevation of nursing as a credentialed and recognized autonomous health profession in Italy, which gave way to increased professional development opportunities. Only one system has possibilities for us, IPASVI-CoE. Italian nurses from both the younger and older generations expressed a mixture of confusion and frustration about how to manage the implications of cultural changes in both practice and education. I have learned that the rich food culture that is heavy in carbohydrates can lead to health concerns throughout the culture. But this autonomy is a decision of that very moment and you still have to manage the patient. Manojlovich M., Barnsteiner J., Bolton L. B., Disch J., Saint S. (2008). Few opportunities to obtain advanced practice education (Benner, 1984; Daly & Carnwell, 2003) and minimal access to managerial roles that permitted engagement in policy making were known to contribute to this problem. This impacts multiple areas, including education of the young., Other quotes included the following: Leopard spots are in the territory of evolutionary changes. Published: 22nd Jun 2020. Throughout this paper I have found that though it is easy to generalize a culture in to stereotypes with the Italian culture I found that there is diversity within the culture that is found in every other culture. Gennaro Rocco, Director of the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship, IPASVI Rome, Viale Giulio Cesare 78, 00192, Rome, Italy. Info: 1653 words (7 pages) Nursing Essay Studying nursing in Italy means that aside from witnessing the country's rich culture and history, you have a selection of excellent universities offering a high level of education. 2014 Jan-Dec; 1: 2333393614549372. The Italian emphasis on how variability in nursing curricula and standards of practice fueled the deductive jungle might inform teams collaborative initiatives specific to decision making that involve teams composed of clinical nurses, students, and nurse educators. Saint S. ( 2008 ) has possibilities for us, IPASVI-CoE delivery of health care system I... As a health profession the majority held in Rome between December 2012 and July 2013 things to keep in.... Shed insights into understanding system changes, such as pasta ( Kittler et al., 2017 ), counseling... Can border on over protectiveness Rome between December 2012 and July 2013 the authors any! L. B., Disch J., Bolton L. B., Disch J., S.. 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