Copyright This can be accomplished through programming statements in, We obtain \(df\beta_j\) values through in output datasets in SAS, so we will need to specify an. The Nelson-Aalen estimator is a non-parametric estimator of the cumulative hazard function and is given by: \[\hat H(t) = \sum_{t_i leq t}\frac{d_i}{n_i},\]. The CONTRAST statement tests the hypothesis L=0, where L is the hypothesis matrix and is the vector of model parameters. proc phreg data=event; 515-526. Most of the variables are at least slightly correlated with the other variables. run; proc phreg data = whas500;
If proportional hazards holds, the graphs of the survival function should look parallel, in the sense that they should have basically the same shape, should not cross, and should start close and then diverge slowly through follow up time. With effects coding, each row of L can be written to select just one interaction parameter when multiplied by . See, In most cases, models fit in PROC GLIMMIX using the RANDOM statement do not use a true log likelihood. Once again, the empirical score process under the null hypothesis of no model misspecification can be approximated by zero mean Gaussian processes, and the observed score process can be compared to the simulated processes to asses departure from proportional hazards. This example is to illustrate the algorithm used to compute the parameter estimate. Note that the ESTIMATE statement displays the estimated difference in cell means (2.5148) and a t-test that this difference is equal to zero, while the CONTRAST statement provides only an F-test of the difference. Above, we discussed that expressing the hazard rates dependence on its covariates as an exponential function conveniently allows the regression coefficients to take on any value while still constraining the hazard rate to be positive. SAS omits them to remind you that the hazard ratios corresponding to these effects depend on other variables in the model. For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Because of the positive skew often seen with followup-times, medians are often a better indicator of an average survival time. If variable exposure is not formatted: If variable exposure is formatted and the formatted value of exposure=0 is 'no': Or, to avoid hardcoding of formatted values: (Among the internal values of exposure, 0 and 1, 0 is the first, regardless of formats. Notice that id, the individual subject identifier, has been added to the class statement and is also on the repeated statement (with an unstructured correlation matrix), telling proc genmod to calculate the robust errors. The value must be between 0 and 1. Looking at the table of Product-Limit Survival Estimates below, for the first interval, from 1 day to just before 2 days, \(n_i\) = 500, \(d_i\) = 8, so \(\hat S(1) = \frac{500 8}{500} = 0.984\). specifies the variables that interact with the variable of interest and the corresponding values of the interacting variables. This can be easily accomplished in. 2009 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. Most of the time we will not know a priori the distribution generating our observed survival times, but we can get and idea of what it looks like using nonparametric methods in SAS with proc univariate. scatter x = bmi y=dfbmibmi / markerchar=id;
Thus, because many observations in WHAS500 are right-censored, we also need to specify a censoring variable and the numeric code that identifies a censored observation, which is accomplished below with, However, we would like to add confidence bands and the number at risk to the graph, so we add, The Nelson-Aalen estimator is requested in SAS through the, When provided with a grouping variable in a, We request plots of the hazard function with a bandwidth of 200 days with, SAS conveniently allows the creation of strata from a continuous variable, such as bmi, on the fly with the, We also would like survival curves based on our model, so we add, First, a dataset of covariate values is created in a, This dataset name is then specified on the, This expanded dataset can be named and then viewed with the, Both survival and cumulative hazard curves are available using the, We specify the name of the output dataset, base, that contains our covariate values at each event time on the, We request survival plots that are overlaid with the, The interaction of 2 different variables, such as gender and age, is specified through the syntax, The interaction of a continuous variable, such as bmi, with itself is specified by, We calculate the hazard ratio describing a one-unit increase in age, or \(\frac{HR(age+1)}{HR(age)}\), for both genders. Fortunately, it is very simple to create a time-varying covariate using programming statements in proc phreg. Estimating and Testing Odds Ratios with Dummy Coding exposure(0=no exposure, 1= yes exposure)and outcome(0=no outcome, 1= yes outcome) variable are all binary. How do I write an estimate statement in proc glm? Example 3: using the CONTRAST statement to do comparison: When we set the reference levels to be REF='NEV' for TOBHX and REF='GP' for RND, we need to manually set the contrast parameters for each comparison in the CONTRAST statement. class gender;
In particular we would like to highlight the following tables: Handily, proc phreg has pretty extensive graphing capabilities.< Below is the graph and its accompanying table produced by simply adding plots=survival to the proc phreg statement. The LSMEANS statement computes the cell means for the 10 A*B cells in this example. ESTIMATE Statement FREQ Statement HAZARDRATIO Statement . Thus, we define the cumulative distribution function as: As an example, we can use the cdf to determine the probability of observing a survival time of up to 100 days. Suppose it is of interest to test the null hypothesis that cell means ABC121 and ABC212 are equal that is, H0: 121 - 212 = 0. Survival analysis models factors that influence the time to an event. The effect of bmi is significantly lower than 1 at low bmi scores, indicating that higher bmi patients survive better when patients are very underweight, but that this advantage disappears and almost seems to reverse at higher bmi levels. Table 1: PROC PHREG Statement Options You can specify the following options in the PROC PHREG statement. A main effect parameter is interpreted as the difference in the level's effect compared to the reference level. The cell means can also be obtained by using the ESTIMATE statement to compute the appropriate linear combinations of model parameters. specifies that the exponentiated contrast be estimated. In each of the tables, we have the hazard ratio listed under Point Estimate and confidence intervals for the hazard ratio. Write the CONTRAST or ESTIMATE statement using the parameter multipliers as coefficients, being careful to order the coefficients to match the order of the model parameters in the procedure. \[df\beta_j \approx \hat{\beta} \hat{\beta_j}\]. Notice in the Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates table above that the Hazard Ratio entries for terms involved in interactions are left empty. However, this is something that cannot be estimated with the ODDSRATIO statement which only compares odds of levels of a specified variable. The following ODDSRATIO statement provides the same estimate of the treatment A vs. treatment C odds ratio in the complicated diagnosis as above (along with odds ratio estimates for the other treatment pairs in that diagnosis). However they lived much longer than expected when considering their bmi scores and age (95 and 87), which attenuates the effects of very low bmi. Specifically, you need to construct the linear combination of model parameters that corresponds to the hypothesis. If too many values are specified for an effect, the extra ones are ignored. This example shows the use of the CONTRAST and ODDSRATIO statements to compare the response at two levels of a continuous predictor when the model contains a higher-order effect. Graphs of the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function allow us to see how the survival function changes over time and are fortunately very easy to generate in SAS: The step function form of the survival function is apparent in the graph of the Kaplan-Meier estimate. However, one cannot test whether the stratifying variable itself affects the hazard rate significantly. Stratify the model by the nonproportional covariate. Note: A number of sub-sections are titled Background. This suggests that perhaps the functional form of bmi should be modified. Censored observations are represented by vertical ticks on the graph. It is not necessary that the larger model be saturated. data example8_1; set sec1_5; group1 = group - 1; run; proc phreg data = example8_1; model time*death (0)=group1; run; run;
Comparing Nested Models I am about to use cox-regression to estimate the interaction between two binary variables: Disease (1,0) and Drug (1,0). If nonproportional hazards are detected, the researcher has many options with how to address the violation (Therneau & Grambsch, 2000): After fitting a model it is good practice to assess the influence of observations in your data, to check if any outlier has a disproportionately large impact on the model. It is available only for the Bayesian analysis. We could thus evaluate model specification by comparing the observed distribution of cumulative sums of martingale residuals to the expected distribution of the residuals under the null hypothesis that the model is correctly specified. This can be particularly difficult with dummy (PARAM=GLM) coding. More than one HAZARDRATIO statement can be specified, and an optional label (specified as a quoted string) helps identify the output. Expressing the above relationship as \(\frac{d}{dt}H(t) = h(t)\), we see that the hazard function describes the rate at which hazards are accumulated over time. O is the dummy variable for the complicated diagnosis, U is the dummy variable for the uncomplicated diagnosis, A, B, and C are the dummy variables for the three treatments, OA through UC are the products of the diagnosis and treatment dummy variables, jointly representing the diagnosis by treatment interaction. Both proc lifetest and proc phreg will accept data structured this way. Wiley: Hoboken. We can estimate the hazard function is SAS as well using proc lifetest: As we have seen before, the hazard appears to be greatest at the beginning of follow-up time and then rapidly declines and finally levels off. Notice the. Significant departures from random error would suggest model misspecification. Suppose you want to test whether the effect of treatment A in the complicated diagnosis is different from the average effect of the treatments in the complicated diagnosis. Zeros in this table are shown as blanks for clarity. This paper is not limited to any particular operating system. run; lenfol: length of followup, terminated either by death or censoring. Some data management will be required to ensure that everyone is properly censored in each interval. The assess statement with the ph option provides an easy method to assess the proportional hazards assumption both graphically and numerically for many covariates at once. and what i need is the hard ratios for outcome on exposure. These techniques were developed by Lin, Wei and Zing (1993). Therefore, this contrast is also estimated by the parameter for treatment A within the complicated diagnosis in the nested effect. Note: The terms event and failure are used interchangeably in this seminar, as are time to event and failure time. For such studies, a semi-parametric model, in which we estimate regression parameters as covariate effects but ignore (leave unspecified) the dependence on time, is appropriate. These are the equivalent PROC GENMOD statements: A More Complex Contrast with Effects Coding. You can use the EFFECTPLOT statement to visualize the model. Thus, to pull out all 6 \(df\beta_j\), we must supply 6 variable names for these \(df\beta_j\). Below is an example of obtaining a kernel-smoothed estimate of the hazard function across BMI strata with a bandwidth of 200 days: The lines in the graph are labeled by the midpoint bmi in each group. where \(R_j\) is the set of subjects still at risk at time \(t_j\). The likelihood ratio and Wald statistics are asymptotically equivalent. If is a vector, define ABS() to be the largest absolute value of the elements of . Here we see the estimated pdf of survival times in the whas500 set, from which all censored observations were removed to aid presentation and explanation. As time progresses, the Survival function proceeds towards it minimum, while the cumulative hazard function proceeds to its maximum. Institute for Digital Research and Education. The blue-shaded area around the survival curve represents the 95% confidence band, here Hall-Wellner confidence bands. assess var=(age bmi bmi*bmi hr) / resample;
The test of the difference is more easily obtained using the LSMESTIMATE statement. model lenfol*fstat(0) = gender|age bmi hr;
An example of using the LSMEANS and LSMESTIMATE statements to estimate odds ratios in a repeated measures (GEE) model in PROC GENMOD is available. The value must be between 0 and 1. Finally, writing the hypothesis 12 1/6ijij in terms of the model results in these contrast coefficients: 0 for , 1/2 and 1/2 for A, 1/3, 2/3, and 1/3 for B, and 1/6, 5/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, and 1/6 for AB. Such linear combinations can be estimated and tested using the CONTRAST and/or ESTIMATE statements available in many modeling procedures. ALPHA=number specifies the level of significance for % confidence intervals. To avoid this problem, use the DIVISOR= option. Means for the AB11 and AB12 cells (highlighted in the above table) are computed below using the ESTIMATE statement. This note focuses on assessing the effects of categorical (CLASS) variables in models containing interactions. Reference parameterization (using the PARAM=REF option) is also a full-rank parameterization. The default is DIFF=ALL. It is similar to the CONTRAST statement in PROC GLM and PROC CATMOD, depending on the coding schemes used with any categorical variables involved. It is not always possible to know a priori the correct functional form that describes the relationship between a covariate and the hazard rate. The CONTRAST statement can also be used to compare competing nested models. (1995). Since the contrast involves only the ten LS-means, it is much more straight-forward to specify. In regression models for survival analysis, we attempt to estimate parameters which describe the relationship between our predictors and the hazard rate. Notice there is one row per subject, with one variable coding the time to event, lenfol: A second way to structure the data that only proc phreg accepts is the counting process style of input that allows multiple rows of data per subject. By default, pis equal to the value of the ALPHA= option in the PROC PHREG statement, or 0.05 if that option is not specified. Estimating and Testing a Difference of Means Examples of Writing CONTRAST and ESTIMATE Statements Introduction EXAMPLE 1: A Two-Factor Model with Interaction Computing the Cell Means Using the ESTIMATE Statement Estimating and Testing a Difference of Means A More Complex Contrast Comparing One Interaction Mean to the Average of All Interaction Means Note that the CONTRAST statement in PROC LOGISTIC provides an estimate of the contrast as well as a test that it equals zero, so an ESTIMATE statement is not provided. Because PROC CATMOD also uses effects coding, you can use the following CONTRAST statement in that procedure to get the same results as above. The t statistic value is the square root of the F statistic from the CONTRAST statement producing an equivalent test. Firths Correction for Monotone Likelihood, Conditional Logistic Regression for m:n Matching, Model Using Time-Dependent Explanatory Variables, Time-Dependent Repeated Measurements of a Covariate, Survivor Function Estimates for Specific Covariate Values, Model Assessment Using Cumulative Sums of Martingale Residuals, Bayesian Analysis of Piecewise Exponential Model. For example, if males have twice the hazard rate of females 1 day after followup, the Cox model assumes that males have twice the hazard rate at 1000 days after follow up as well. Technical Support can assist you with syntax and other questions that relate to CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements. proc glm data= hsb2; class ses; model write = ses /solution; run; quit; This indicates that our choice of modeling a linear and quadratic effect of bmi was a reasonable one. This confidence band is calculated for the entire survival function, and at any given interval must be wider than the pointwise confidence interval (the confidence interval around a single interval) to ensure that 95% of all pointwise confidence intervals are contained within this band. The following statements print the log odds for treatments A and C in the complicated diagnosis. PROC PLM was released with SAS 9.22 in 2010. Notice the survival probability does not change when we encounter a censored observation. Create a variable called CENSOR. If the interacting variable is a CLASS variable, you can specify, after the equal sign, a list of quoted strings corresponding to various levels of the CLASS variable, or you can specify the keyword ALL or REF. The PHREG procedure now fits frailty models with the addition of the RANDOM statement. We can remove the dependence of the hazard rate on time by expressing the hazard rate as a product of \(h_0(t)\), a baseline hazard rate which describes the hazard rates dependence on time alone, and \(r(x,\beta_x)\), which describes the hazard rates dependence on the other \(x\) covariates: In this parameterization, \(h(t)\) will equal \(h_0(t)\) when \(r(x,\beta_x) = 1\). You can specify nested-by-value effects in the MODEL statement to test the effect of one variable within a particular level of another variable. This option is ignored in the estimation of hazard ratios for a continuous variable. Here is the model that includes main effects and all interactions: where i=1,2,,5, j=1,2, k=1,2,3, and l=1,2,,Nijk. In the second table, we see that the hazard ratio between genders, \(\frac{HR(gender=1)}{HR(gender=0)}\), decreases with age, significantly different from 1 at age = 0 and age = 20, but becoming non-signicant by 40. and then i would like to see the trends on age group. Indicator or dummy coding of a predictor replaces the actual variable in the design matrix (or model matrix) with a set of variables that use values of 0 or 1 to indicate the level of the original variable. While the main purpose of this note is to illustrate how to write proper CONTRAST and ESTIMATE statements, these additional statements are also presented when they can provide equivalent analyses. If only \(k\) names are supplied and \(k\) is less than the number of distinct df\betas, SAS will only output the first \(k\) \(df\beta_j\). The last 10 elements are the parameter estimates for the 10 levels of the A*B interaction, 11 through 52. run; proc phreg data = whas500;
Note that there are 5 2 3 = 30 cell means. One variable is created for each level of the original variable. The Schoenfeld residual for observation \(j\) and covariate \(p\) is defined as the difference between covariate \(p\) for observation \(j\) and the weighted average of the covariate values for all subjects still at risk when observation \(j\) experiences the event. Thus, for example the AGE term describes the effect of age when gender=0, or the age effect for males. rights reserved. The matrix is the Hermite form matrix , where represents a generalized inverse of the information matrix of the null model. Additionally, although stratifying by a categorical covariate works naturally, it is often difficult to know how to best discretize a continuous covariate. Using effects coding, the model still looks like model 3b, but the design variables for diagnosis and treatment are defined differently as you can see in the following table. The log-rank and Wilcoxon tests in the output table differ in the weights \(w_j\) used. All of the statements mentioned above can be used for this purpose. Words in italic are new statements added to SAS version 9.22. However, we have decided that there covariate scores are reasonable so we retain them in the model. Below, we show how to use the hazardratio statement to request that SAS estimate 3 hazard ratios at specific levels of our covariates. The ESTIMATE statement provides a mechanism for obtaining custom hypothesis tests. The PLMAXITER= option has no effect if profile-likelihood confidence intervals (CL=PL) are not requested. A main effect parameter is interpreted as the deviation of the level's effect from the average effect of all the levels. Then, as before, subtracting the two coefficient vectors yields the coefficient vector for testing the difference of these two averages. The DIFF and SLICEBY(A='1') options in the SLICE statement estimate the differences in LS-means at A=1. The significant AGE*GENDER interaction term suggests that the effect of age is different by gender. 2. For a CLASS variable, a hazard ratio compares the hazards of two levels of the variable. If the observed pattern differs significantly from the simulated patterns, we reject the null hypothesis that the model is correctly specified, and conclude that the model should be modified. However, if the nested models do not have identical fixed effects, then results from ML estimation must be used to construct a LR test. The value pmust be between 0 and 1. hrtime = hr*lenfol;
Introduction In an example from Ries and Smith (1963), the choice of detergent brand (Brand= M or X) is related to three other categorical variables: the softness of the laundry water (Softness= soft, medium, or hard); the temperature of the water (Temperature= high or low); and whether the subject was a previous user of Brand M (Previous= yes or no). Finally, we calculate the hazard ratio describing a 5-unit increase in bmi, or \(\frac{HR(bmi+5)}{HR(bmi)}\), at clinically revelant BMI scores. However, despite our knowledge that bmi is correlated with age, this method provides good insight into bmis functional form. format gender gender. The solid lines represent the observed cumulative residuals, while dotted lines represent 20 simulated sets of residuals expected under the null hypothesis that the model is correctly specified. Limitations on constructing valid LR tests. specifies that both the contrast and the exponentiated contrast be estimated. The first element is the estimate of the intercept, . See this sample program for discussion and examples of using the Vuong and Clarke tests to compare nonnested models. Hazard ratios are computed at each value of the list if the list is specified, or at each level of the interacting variable if ALL is specified, or at the reference level of the interacting variable if REF is specified. The first three parameters of the nested effect are the effects of treatments within the complicated diagnosis. 81. Now consider a model in three factors, with five, two, and three levels, respectively. The EXPB option adds a column in the parameter estimates table that contains exponentiated values of the corresponding parameter estimates. ALPHA= p specifies the level of significance pfor the % confidence interval for each contrast when the ESTIMATE option is specified. We can estimate the cumulative hazard function using proc lifetest, the results of which we send to proc sgplot for plotting. label row-description <,row-description>. Copyright Based on past research, we also hypothesize that BMI is predictive of the hazard rate, and that its effect may be non-linear. Finally, we strongly suspect that heart rate is predictive of survival, so we include this effect in the model as well. 2009 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. The LSMEANS, LSMESTIMATE, and SLICE statements cannot be used with effects coding. Some procedures allow multiple types of coding. The surface where the smoothing parameter=0.2 appears to be overfit and jagged, and such a shape would be difficult to model. The first 12 examples use the classical method of maximum likelihood, while the last two examples illustrate the Bayesian methodology. You can use the ESTIMATE, LSMEANS, SLICE, and TEST statements to estimate parameters and perform hypothesis tests. The second three parameters are the effects of the treatments within the uncomplicated diagnosis. Indeed, exclusion of these two outliers causes an almost doubling of \(\hat{\beta}_{bmi}\), from -0.23323 to -0.39619. For example, suppose an effect coded CLASS variable A has four levels. We will use scatterplot smooths to explore the scaled Schoenfeld residuals relationship with time, as we did to check functional forms before. While only certain procedures are illustrated below, this discussion applies to any modeling procedure that allows these statements. From these equations we can see that the cumulative hazard function \(H(t)\) and the survival function \(S(t)\) have a simple monotonic relationship, such that when the Survival function is at its maximum at the beginning of analysis time, the cumulative hazard function is at its minimum. Lin, DY, Wei, LJ, Ying, Z. Note that within a set of coefficients for an effect you can leave off any trailing zeros. Hosmer, DW, Lemeshow, S, May S. (2008). This paper will discuss this question by using some examples. We see in the table above, that the typical subject in our dataset is more likely male, 70 years of age, with a bmi of 26.6 and heart rate of 87. However, it is quite possible that the hazard rate and the covariates do not have such a loglinear relationship. This subject could be represented by 2 rows like so: This structuring allows the modeling of time-varying covariates, or explanatory variables whose values change across follow-up time. This analysis proceeds in much the same was as dfbeta analysis, in that we will: We see the same 2 outliers we identifed before, id=89 and id=112, as having the largest influence on the model overall, probably primarily through their effects on the bmi coefficient. To properly test a hypothesis such as "The effect of treatment A in group 1 is equal to the treatment A effect in group 2," it is necessary to translate it correctly into a mathematical hypothesis using the fitted model. Understanding the mechanics behind survival analysis is aided by facility with the distributions used, which can be derived from the probability density function and cumulative density functions of survival times. The E option shows how each cell mean is formed by displaying the coefficient vectors that are used in calculating the LS-means. This section contains 14 examples of PROC PHREG applications. If ABS is greater than , then is declared nonestimable. Plots of the covariate versus martingale residuals can help us get an idea of what the functional from might be. Constant multiplicative changes in the hazard rate may instead be associated with constant multiplicative, rather than additive, changes in the covariate, and might follow this relationship: \[HR = exp(\beta_x(log(x_2)-log(x_1)) = exp(\beta_x(log\frac{x_2}{x_1}))\]. Illustrate the Bayesian methodology, one can not test whether the stratifying variable itself affects the hazard ratio the. Cell mean is formed by displaying the coefficient vectors yields the coefficient vector for the. Inverse of the variable of interest and the corresponding values of the original variable, so we retain them the! 1 ' ) options in the proc PHREG will accept data structured this.! Was released with SAS 9.22 in 2010 we will use scatterplot smooths to the! Age term describes the effect of one variable is created for each of. Test the effect of all the levels exponentiated values of the level of the level 's from! 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